What is the definition of favor? This is something that sparked my attention when we were working on our "Where Do I Come In?" book study last Sunday during life group. It started when we were discussing the "Bible Study" questions on page 50 and talking about the key practices that the early Christians devoted themselves to, and how we continue to devote ourselves to these things today. That conversation then led us to start talking about how we treat others, and how listening is one of the most important things that we can do when it comes to building relationships. For example, how many times a day do you walk past a person and say, "Hi how are you?", and then keep on walking without stopping and listening for a genuine answer? Or on the opposite end, how many times have people asked you that same question, and you said, "I'm OK", when really that wasn't the truth, and you could have used a listening ear or a friend?
This conversation then led me to share a story with my group about a time that I walked past a gentleman and asked him how he was doing without slowing down, but when I heard his response, it stopped me in my tracks. He was an older gentleman who lived in the same senior center as my grandpa who I was visiting that day, and as I walked by him in the lobby on the way to my grandpa's door, I said, "Hi, How are you doing?", and he said, "I don't know why you ask me that when you don't really care anyways." When I heard him say that I stopped instantly and walked over to sit down next to him, because I did care, but my actions said otherwise, so he felt like I didn't.
That situation was a real eye opener for me. You see, after telling that story, Jack, who is another member of our group mentioned that how we respond to others is called "favor", and I thought a lot about that afterwards because I do believe that how we respond to others matters and makes a difference in our relationships with them.
So, after group that day, I went home and looked up the definition of "favor in Christian relationships", and this is what I read:
The best definition of the word favor is “demonstrated delight.” The favor of God can be described as “tangible evidence that a person has the approval of the Lord.” When we favor someone, we want to be with him or her. We delight in him. We connect with her in a way we don’t connect with everyone. We usually favor people who also favor us. In the same way, God shows favor to the ones who delight in, connect with, and give honor to Him. (gotquestions.org)
With that being said family, I encourage you to show favor to others today with both your actions and your words, and my prayer for you is that you might also be described as "tangible evidence" that you have the approval of the Lord. I also pray that others find delight in you and can connect with you in ways that they don't connect with everyone, and that all of these things give honor and glory to the Lord.
In Jesus name,