For the seasons of Lent and Easter we will be journeying through Jesus' teaching in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7). In this series we will be highlighting the Sermon as the narrow path and firm foundation for true flourishing and wholeness. Through our series in the Beatitudes last Fall, we saw that Jesus invites us to live counter-culturally—pursuing, among other things, humility, mercy, and righteousness. As we turn our attention to the rest of Jesus’ teachings, we will discover that He reveals the path of integrity, peace, and purity.
This series will emphasize two ways in which Jesus summarizes His teachings in the Sermon: the narrow path and the firm foundation. In a world that offers us fulfillment in fleeting things and momentary flourishing, Jesus' teachings provide the path and solid rock on which lasting joy and purpose are found. This series will take us through both the seasons of Lent and Easter because it is the Sermon on the Mount which shows us both our need for the cross of Christ and the resurrected life the Spirit of God enables us to live in Christ.
Today’s Worship
Blessed Be
Simple Kingdom
I Love You, Lord
Matthew 5:33-37
Measure Twice, Speak Once
Everlasting God
March Mission of the Month: CranHill & Camp Geneva. Both of these RCA Church camps are ministries through which God transforms lives through Youth Camps, Family Camping, Retreats and Adventure Experiences.
Children's Ministry: During the Season of Lent, we are pausing Children and Worship during the service on Sundays and welcome your children to worship with us. Nursery is available for children ages 0-3. We are also pausing our Wednesday night activities and offering our children's discipleship opportunities following the worship service on Sundays for children ages 3-5th grade.
Intergenerational Discipleship: We
continue the intergenerational cohort of the Practicing the Way course. We will meet in the youth room downstairs following the service at 11:15 am. Everyone from high schoolers to retirees are encouraged to attend. The course is 8 sessions long.
The April – June 2025 Greeter Schedule Sign-up is Posted in the Family Life Center: This is a great opportunity to provide a friendly welcome to members and visitors. Please take a look at the schedule and consider participation as a greeter.
Easter Egg Candy Donations: If you would like to donate candy for our Easter Egg Hunt after the service on Easter Sunday, please drop off your donations in the bin outside of the sanctuary. Please be sure the candy is individually wrapped and small enough to fit into a small plastic egg. We will be filling the eggs after the service on April 13.
On Sunday, April 13, we are asking for volunteers to make your favorite breakfast foods and treats to enjoy together as part of our filling the Easter Eggs after the worship service.