We have several Life Group options for adults. Our Life Groups get together to grow in their faith, pray together, serve together, and support one another. If you are interested in joining a Life Group, email Bruce Ter Haar by clicking the button below.
Frequently Asked Questions
1.) What is a Life Group?
A Life Group is simply a group of about 4-20 people who meet together regularly to grow in their faith, support each other, and serve together.
2.) Who can be in a Life Group?
Anyone can join a Life Group! You do not need to be a member and it’s okay if you’re not sure what you believe.
3.) How do I choose a Life Group to join?
You can scroll down to see when different Life Groups meet. Bruce Ter Haar, our Life Group Coordinator, can help you find a Life Group that suits you. Contact Bruce at bterhaar@comcast.net.
4.) Can I start a new Life Group?
Absolutely! Scroll down to learn some helpful tips or contact our Life Group Coordinator to learn more.
Linda Burcham shares about her Life Group and offers some advice to those interested in starting a new Life Group
Burcham Life Group
Meeting Time: After Worship Services Every Sunday (11:15 AM)
Group Leader: Linda Burcham lindaburcham01@comcast.net
We are a diverse welcoming group. We range in age from 20-70. Our core purpose is to pray and care for each other, our church, and our community and country. We learn how to do this by looking into God’s word weekly.
We meet after church each Sunday from September to May. In the summer months we meet monthly for a time of fun and fellowship.
Each meeting has time for prayer. The Bible studies vary from looking into a specific book of the Bible to Christian life studies. We often gather to do local mission projects together. Having fellowship is also a part of our group with things such as picnics and movie nights.
You will find friends in this group that will help you grow spiritually and encourage you to develop your spiritual gifts. We do life together. We rejoice with each other, we cry with each other, but most importantly, we are there for each other.
We are always open to adding more members to our group!
-Linda Burcham
Young Adults Life Group
Meeting Time: After Worship Services Every Sunday (11:15 AM) from September-May
Group Leader: Joey South jrsouth16@yahoo.com
Our Young Adults Life Group is led by Joey, our director of youth and young adults. Our group, of course, is made up of young adults ranging from 18 to 30. Since many of us have inconsistent schedules, our meeting times are often quite flexible, but we usually try to meet weekly after church on Sundays from September through May and then get together a few times throughout the summer.
In our life group we support each other, talk about life, pray together, study the Bible, and play games. Our group serves through cooking meals once a month for our Wednesday night programs as well as helping with events and fundraisers for our Junior and Senior High groups.
We are always looking to add more members to our Life Group!
-Joey South
Hannula Life Group
Meeting Time: This group is still being established
Group Leader: Fred Hannula fredhannula@gmail.com
The Hannula Life Group is newly formed and plans to meet quarterly at first and then weekly once the group is established. The Hannula Life Group is seeking new members!
Seelye Life Group
Meeting Time: Every other Tuesday
Group Leader: Harold Seelye hjseelye@gmail.com
Your Life Support System
“Wherever two or three gather together in My name, I will be right there with them.”
Matthew 12:20
What Does a Life Group Do?
1.) They study God’s word together.
“They committed to themselves to learning the teachings of the apostles…” Acts 2:24
2.) They practice learning how to love.
“…and to the fellowship…” Acts 2:24
3.) They eat together
“They broke bread in their homes…” Acts 2:46
4.) They pray for one another.
“…to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” Acts 2:42
5.) They encourage one another.
“God has given each of you some special abilities; be sure to use them to help each other.” 1 Peter 4:10
How to Get the Most from Your Life Group
Make your group a priority, be committed, show up to every meeting.
Share your thoughts with humility. Come to learn, leave your ego at the door, and be a good listener.
Respect others ideas with courtesy, value others opinions even when you don not agree, and seek to understand where people are coming from.
Share your faults and weaknesses with honesty. Don’t pretend to be perfect.
Share other’s problems with empathy.
Encourage one another with accountability.