Prayer Chain Email List Sign Up
The GOAL of the Prayer Chain is to bring Glory to God as we bring our shared praises, cares, and requests in faithful trust to Him, in Jesus' name. Please read over the following guidelines and check the boxes if you are in agreement with them. Those who request to become a part of the Prayer Chain will be placed on an email list and will receive an email each time that a prayer request is made. There will also be an email sent out at the end of each month to share praises and continued prayers.
I agree to open all prayer chain emails as soon as I am able and pray over the requests in a timely manner as the Spirit leads.
I agree that ALL prayer requests are confidential and will not discuss these requests with others outside of the prayer chain.
If I have questions or concerns, I agree to contact Marcia Jackson, the leader of the Prayer Team directly, Pastor Matt, or a member of Consistory.