November 14, 2021

Greetings from all of us at Immanuel”

What are we as a church known for? What are we known for by our neighbors? Do people outside of the church know us for what we say we want to be known for?

We are living in a time when the perception of the church in our country is at an all-time low. It is an often repeated phrase that the church is known more for what it is against, than for what it is for. Yet, we as a church have a mission statement and core values that we desire to be known for. The question that we must ask ourselves is: Have we succeeded in this? Are we known for what we want to be known for?  Do people who drive by our building every day know what we are for?

Today, we will be looking at our church's core value of Responding to Real Needs through the lens of James 2:14-26. This passage this morning will challenge us to see how our response of faith in Christ leads us in our response to the real needs around us.

The Approach to God

Pre-Service Music                

*Songs                                                     Let It Rise                                                             -Davis

                                                        Power Of Your Love                                                  -Bullock

Words of Assurance and Law of God

Kids Message

  The Word of God

*Song                                                  Blessed Assurance                                                    -Crosby

Scripture:                                              James 2: 14-26

Message                                        “Responding to Real Needs”

                                                                 Pastor Matt

Prayer for Blessing                           

The Response to the Word

Celebrate the Lord’s Supper

Responsive Communion Thanksgiving

*Song                                                      You Are Good                                                    -Houghton




The ongoing ministry of the church relies on the generous giving of its members. At this time, we will not be passing the offering plates during the service.  Please place your offering in the basket provided.

 *Songs used by permission of CCLI #95502

 Wi-Fi- icrcchurch, Password goodwithG0d


November Calling Team:  Please call Rick H. or Sandy C. with any special concerns or requests.

November Mission of the Month: We have an Angel tree set up just outside of the sanctuary with gift tags to choose from for a young refugee family of 4, who also have a baby on the way. This family had to evacuate from Afghanistan for safety reasons.  Please consider choosing a tag from the tree to purchase a gift for a member of this family.  Each tag will tell you the age and a desired gift.  After purchasing your gift, please place it under the tree unwrapped.  Please also turn in your Angel Tag, as well as your original receipt, or a copy of it, with the gift for "Charitable Contribution" tracking purposes.  No gift receipts please.  Wrapping paper, gift tags, and tape are also welcomed donations for this very important mission. Thank you in advance for helping us to bless this family and to make their Christmas a very special one this year!

Coffee and Fellowship:  We are excited to announce that we are once again offering coffee and fellowship in the Family Life Center after the services starting today!

CONNECT this Wednesday, November 17:  Join us for dinner this Wednesday, at 5:30 pm. Ashlee will be serving pizza, salad, and dessert.  Afterwards, the kids will be learning about how God is our Superhero, and about all of the miracles that He did while traveling with the Israelites in the desert.  The kids will also enjoy making Thanksgiving crafts, playing games, and they will have the opportunity to earn their “Thankful” badge for their superhero capes.

Its That Time of the Year Again: On December 1, we will be distributing the tithing envelopes to the congregation for next year. Please let Stacia know in the church office by next Sunday, November 28, if you do not need tithing envelopes for 2022. 

Nursery News:  We are in need of volunteers to help out in the nursery during the Sunday Services.  If you are able to do this, please contact Ann H. to let her know. 

Join Us Next Week as We Wrap Up the Sermon Series “Known”: 

·Sunday, November 21- “Doing Acts of Service.”  Jeremiah 29:7

Prayers for RCA Missionaries- Brian and Elizabeth Bruxvoort

Pray that the children who went to Bible Camp will be strengthened and discipled to walk with the Lord.  Pray also for strong health so that we can continue to serve the Lord, and please pray for Christians to be more concerned about our walk with Jesus rather than the state of our nation. Please also pray also for Christian workers across Alaska as we prepare for the coming cold and darkness of winter, and that our family will continually seek to love the Lord our God with all of our heart.

To hear more prayer requests from ICRC, please call 321-2495, extension 191, or if you have a personal prayer request, please contact Marcia J. You may also submit a prayer request on our website at

 Friends with Health Concerns

                            Shelby A, Mark and June B, John B, Joe C

Howard C, Sandy F, John F, Carol G,

                 Kathy G, Roland H, and other Parkinson’s sufferers,

                       Lon H, Marcia N, and Sandi S

for continued healing.   

    Have you or a loved one been in the hospital or have just gotten out and were told you should rest for a few days? If so, wouldn’t it be great to have a home cooked meal delivered to your house? If you are in need of meals, or if you are willing to provide meals when needed, please contact Kerri Miller at (517) 927-9209.

                                                          Save the Dates

November 22- Prayer Team Meeting, 6:30 pm.

  November 23- Men’s Study, 7:00 pm.

                   November 24- Thanksgiving Break, No Youth Group or CONNECT

                                             December 1- CONNECT, 5:30 pm.

                        December 1- Jr. & Sr. High Youth Group, 5:30 pm.-8:00 pm.

                           December 2- Kinetic Gospel Discipleship Class, 7:00 pm.