November 7, 2021

The Approach to God

Pre-Service Music                

*Songs                                 All Creatures of our God and King/Sing Alleluia                     -No. 347

                                                             Made To Worship                         -Tomlin/ Cash/ Sharp

Words of Assurance and Law of God

Kids Message

  The Word of God

*Song                                                       Revelation Song                                                      -Riddle

Scripture:                                                    John 4:1-26

Message                                            “Welcoming the Stranger”

                                                                    Pastor Matt

Prayer for Blessing                           

 The Response to the Word

Mission of the Month

*Song                                                   Your Grace Is Enough                                     -Maher     




The ongoing ministry of the church relies on the generous giving of its members. At this time, we will not be passing the offering plates during the service.  Please place your offering in the basket provided.

  *Songs used by permission of CCLI #95502


November Calling Team:  Please call Rick H or Sandy C with any special concerns or requests.

November Mission of the Month: We have an Angel tree set up just outside of the sanctuary with gift tags to choose from for a young refugee family of 4, who also have a baby on the way. This family had to evacuate from Afghanistan for safety reasons.  Please consider choosing a tag from the tree to purchase a gift for a member of this family.  Each tag will tell you who the gift is for, their age, and a desired gift.  (The families wish list is also posted on the bulletin board located just outside of the sanctuary.)  After purchasing your gift, please return it here to Immanuel unwrapped.  Please also turn in your original receipt, or a copy of it, with the gift for "Charitable Contribution" tracking purposes.  No gift receipts please.  Wrapping paper, gift tags, and tape are also welcomed donations for this very important mission. Thank you in advance for helping us to bless this family and to make their Christmas a very special one this year!

Thank You for All of the Prayers, Thoughtful Concern, and Cards During Joy’s Last Illness and After She Went Home to Jesus:  A special appreciation to all those who helped set up and serve at Joy’s memorial luncheon.  Our church family has lifted us up during this time and continues to carry us along. ~ Alv and Family

CONNECT this Wednesday, November 10:  Join us for dinner this Wednesday, at 5:30 pm., Ashlee will be serving nachos.  Afterwards, the kids will learn about Jesus’s friends Mary and Martha and why they are superheroes.  They will also talk about how much fun it is to visit and play with friends, and they will be making Stone Soup!  Miss Linda will need some help making the soup, so please have the kids bring 2 stones that fit into the palm of their hand so that they can help her out and earn their “Cooperation” badge. 

The Search for Our New Director of Music Ministry is Already Underway:  If you know of someone who might be interested in this position we encourage you to share the job posting that can be found on our website with them. The link is: Candidates should email their cover letter and resume to no later than November 30th. 

Join Us Over the Next 2 Weeks as We Continue the Sermon Series “Known”: 

·         Sunday, November 14- “Responding to Real Needs.”  James 2: 14-26

·         Sunday, November 21- “Doing Acts of Service.”  Jeremiah 29:7

Your Leaders are so thankful for your fervent prayers:

Staff: Pastor Matt L, Joey S, Ashlee W, Emily W, Stacia W

Consistory: Carrie B, Sandy C, Eric C, Sue F, Rick H, Mike J, Harold S., Liz S, and our ministry teams

Prayers for RCA Missionaries- Brian and Elizabeth Bruxvoort

Pray that the children who went to Bible Camp will be strengthened and discipled to walk with the Lord.  Pray also for strong health so that we can continue to serve the Lord, and please pray for Christians to be more concerned about our walk with Jesus rather than the state of our nation. Please also pray also for Christian workers across Alaska as we prepare for the coming cold and darkness of winter, and that our family will continually seek to love the Lord our God with all of our heart.

To hear more prayer requests from ICRC, please call 321-2495, extension 191, or if you have a personal prayer request, please contact Marcia J. You may also submit a prayer request on our website at

 Friends with Health Concerns

                            Shelby A, Mark and June B, John B, Joe C

Howard C, Sandy F, John F, Carol G,

                 Kathy G, Roland H, and other Parkinson’s sufferers,

                       Lon H, Marcia N, and Sandi S

for continued healing.       

                                                          Save the Dates

November 17- CONNECT, 5:30 pm

November 18- Kinetic Gospel Class, 7:00 pm

November 21- Thanksgiving Basket Assemble and Delivery, 11:15 am

On Sunday, November 14, Pastor Matt will be preaching to us about our core value, "Responding to Real Needs in the community", and we would like to take up a collection on that day to go along with this message. 

We are asking that you bring an item or two to church with you on that Sunday, November 14, to donate to our Personal Needs Closet that we are working on putting together so that we can respond to the needs of the community that surrounds Immanuel.

 We have defined "Personal Needs" items as anything that cannot be bought with food stamps, but we are not going to be doing clothes at this time.  These items may include: 

 Toothbrushes, toothpaste, toilet paper, hairbrushes, hair products, men's and women's body wash or bar soap, shampoo and conditioner, household cleaning supplies, all-purpose cleaners, diapers, wipes, gently used or new sheets and blankets, women's sanitary items, deodorant, or anything else that you can think of that would be needed in a home but cannot be bought with stamps.  You can even purchase dollar store gift cards if you would like in denominations of $5 or $10. 

There will be a large white box to place these items, located just outside of the sanctuary, on Sunday, November 14, and we thank you in advance for your donations and for your heart to help us respond to the real needs" in our community.