June 28, 2020

The Approach to God

Pre-Service Music      

Songs                                        Standing on the Promises                     -Carter/ Johnson


Prayer of Confession

Words of Assurance and Law of God

Kids Video                                         “Loneliness

The Word of God

Song                                                  Revelation Song                                           -Riddle

Scripture:                                               Exodus 13

Message:                           "Between: The Story that grounds you"

                                                       Pastor Tom Grabill

Prayer for Blessing                           

The Response to the Word

Moment for Ministry

 (Since we are separated, offerings can be sent through our website or USPS)

“You can’t take it with you, but you can send it on ahead!” R. Alcorn

*Song                                                 Days of Elijah                                               -Mark



* Hymns projected by permission of CCLI #95502


Sunday Worship: Services will be recorded and streamed on our public Facebook page at 10 a.m. You can get to our page by clicking on the link provided: https://www.facebook.com/ICRCLansing/.

June Calling Team:  Please call Marcia J or Jennifer B with any special concerns or requests.

June Mission of the Month: Forgotten Man Ministries, today is the last day to contribute to this very worthy cause. 

New Keys to be Distributed:  The locks here at ICRC will be changed soon.  If you currently have a key and are eligible to receive a new one, you will have to sign for it and check it out with Gary A. Gary will have a table set up inside of the pole barn after the service today.  If you will be needing a new key, please be sure to see him before you leave.  You will not need to return your old key, please just hold on to it for the time being.  The locks will not be changed until everybody that is eligible has received their key.  You are also responsible to return the key back to Gary and sign it back in if you happen to leave your position.

Search Team Update:  The pastoral search team continues to meet weekly. In partnership with the Consistory, the Search Team reviewed and summarized the Congregational Pastoral Survey results. These results were sent to you via email last week on Tuesday and have also been included and attached to the email for the bulletin this week. Please take a moment to look this over and if you have any questions, feel free to contact the church office.

Kids Videos/ Activities:  This Sunday we will talk about Loneliness.  Jesus wants to be a friend to everyone, and he wants us to show that love to others too so that they won't feel alone.   This video along with an activity and some trivia questions will be posted to our website after the service.  You can access them by clicking the link below.  http://www.icrclansing.org/kids-lessons

General Announcements:  We will need additional assistance with greeting, ushering, and cleaning on Sunday mornings as we prepare for re-opening the sanctuary for indoor worship. If you can assist in one of these areas

on a weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or bi-monthly basis until all safety measures have been lifted, please let us know so we can schedule a brief training.

1.      Greeting - offering a warm welcome to members and guests and helping to keep traffic moving into and out of the sanctuary.


2.      Ushering - directing people to seating that is 6 ft from others. Ushers will also dismiss people at the end of the service in a manner that is consistent with proper social distancing.


3.      Cleaning - All surfaces will need to be wiped down with disinfectant following the worship service in preparation for our sister congregation, Siloam, to gather in the shared space. (Siloam will make sure surfaces are cleaned following the second service).

Thank You for Your Continued Tithes and Offerings:  The ongoing ministry of the church relies on the generous giving of its members. Even though we won’t be gathering at the church building you may submit your tithes and offerings online via our website at, www.icrclansing.org, and then click on “Giving” at the top of the page, or you may mail them to our office at 3200 Delta River Dr., Lansing MI, 48906

page, or you may mail them directly to our office at 3200 Delta River Dr., Lansing MI, 48906.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the church office at (517) 321-2495.

Your Leaders are so thankful for your fervent prayers, especially in these continuing uncertain times. They and your staff and Consistory continue to work toward safe ways of possible worship in the near future, keeping up with the most recent developments and continually making sure we stay connected and on pace to accomplish our seven-year vision.

Staff: Pastor Tom G, Joey S, Darla L, Stacia W

Consistory: Dave S, Marcia J, Rick H, Tod V, Brian W, Julie L, Carrie Band Jennifer B, and our ministry teams

             Friends with Health Concerns

Gary A, Mark and June B, John B, Joe C,

                              Howard J. C, Sandy F, John F, Carol G,

       Roland H and other Parkinson’s sufferers,

Jim P, Marian P, James S, Sandi S, and Joy V for continued healing.