October 25, 2020

The Approach to God

Pre-Service Music                           It Is Well with My Soul                                     -Cindy Berry

*Songs                                          Grace Greater than Our Sin                        -Johnston/Towner

Prayer of Confession                      

Words of Assurance and Law of God


The Word of God

*Songs                                                 Good, Good Father                                   -Barrett/Brown

Scripture:                                                   Matthew 25

Message:                                   "What Matters?  Action Matters"

                                                      Pastor Tom Grabill

Prayer for Blessing                            

 The Response to the Word

CROP Hunger Walk Video

Moment for Ministry

*Song                                       Sing to the King/ Sing, Sing, Sing                          -Foote/Tomlin                





The ongoing ministry of the church relies on the generous giving of its members. At this time, we will not be passing the offering plates during the service.  Instead, you may place your offerings in the plates located on the stage at the front of the sanctuary immediately following the service.

 * Songs used by permission of CCLI #95502


 October Calling Team:  Please call Marcia J. or Eric C with any special concerns or requests.

October M.O.M, CWS CROP Hunger Walk: Did you know that 1.1 billion people in developing countries live on an income of $1 a day or less, and that every day, more than 16,000 children die from hunger-related causes?  That is about one child every five seconds.  Let us stand with Church World Services, and impoverished people around the world, to envision a way to reach a better future.

Today is the last Sunday to donate to this worthy mission by either:

·         placing a check in the offering plate after the Sunday services.

·         mailing a check to the church office at 3200 Delta River Dr., Lansing, 48906

·         or by donating online at www.crophungerwalk.org/lansingmi, we are registered as Lansing Immanuel Community Reformed!

(Checks should be made out to ICRC, designating CWS/ CROP in the memo area. Please also include your envelope number if you would like this donation recorded on your end-of-the-year tithing statement.)

Flowers are Provided By:  Don and Pat W in celebration of their 61st anniversary!  Don and Pat may the blessings of the earth and of heaven above be yours today as you celebrate your walk together as husband and wife.

Community Trunk or Treat: We are excited to be hosting a community “Trunk or Treat” this Wednesday, October 28, from 6:00-7:30 pm.!  Please consider joining us in the parking lot with your vehicle decorated and a bag of candy to pass out!  We will also have tables to stand behind if you prefer, and you can even wear your costume if you would like!  Let’s come together and make this a great event for our community!

Thanksgiving Baskets: We are still in need of volunteers to help assemble and deliver Thanksgiving baskets after the service on Sunday, November 22.  If you are willing, please sign your name on the sheet located on the bulletin board just outside of the sanctuary.  You may also let Joe E know, or Stacia. 

Having trouble with our Facebook Live Stream? While we are doing our best, we sometimes encounter issues.  If you lose your feed, don't panic! The complete service will be shared on our Facebook page immediately after the service. The service will also be posted on our website in HD every Monday.

Your Leaders are so thankful for your fervent prayers:

 Staff: Pastor Tom G, Joey S, Darla L, Stacia W

Consistory: Carrie B, Sandy C, Eric C, Sue F, Rick H, Marcia J, Mike J, Julie L, and our ministry teams

  Friends with Health Concerns

Mark and June B, John B, Joe C,

                              Howard J. C, Sandy F, John F, Carol G,

       Roland H and other Parkinson’s sufferers,

Jim P, Marian P, James S, Sandi S, and Joy V for continued health concerns.

Save the Dates

 November 4- Jr. High Youth Group

                                    November 8- Communion

                          November 8- Sr. High Youth Group

                           November 10- Painting with Sandi

                                  November 10- Men’s Study

                          November 11- Jr. High Youth Group

                          November 12- Prayer Group Meeting

                  November 17- Ninety Day Goals Team Meeting

                              November 18- Jr. High Youth Group