April 18, 2019 Maundy Thursday

Maundy Thursday Communion Service

April 18, 2019

Pre-Service Music                 Ah, Holy Jesus                                     -Martin

                                             Were You There                                    -Rogers

Responsive Call to Worship

 *Hymn:                How Deep the Father’s Love for Us

 *Invocation and Lord’s Prayer

 Scripture Reading:  Luke 22: 1 - 6

 Unison Prayer of Confession

Words of Assurance and the Law of God

Scripture Reading:  John 13: 1 - 17

Responsive Reading

 Scripture Reading:  Luke 22: 54 - 62

 *Hymn                               Man of Sorrows                                            #246

 Scripture Reading:  1 Corinthians 11: 23-26

Meditation:  How Faithful are We?

 *Hymn                   Let Us Break Bread Together                                  #564

Celebration of the Lord’s Supper (Served Intinction Style)

 Communion Thanksgiving


*Hymn   Beneath the Cross of Jesus #253


 Depart in Silence

 Participating in Tonight’s Service

 Rev. Richard Heusinkveld

Darla Lucero

Don Farnum

David Harvey

Ann Harvey

Kandy Hannula

Marcia Jackson