April 14, 2019

The Approach to God

 Pre-Service Music                All Glory, Laud and Honor                                          -Love

*Songs                                   Hosanna, Loud Hosanna                                       -Threlfall

                                              I’ve Got the Joy, Joy, Joy                         -Tornquist/ Cooke

*Congregational Greeting

Prayer of Confession

Words of Assurance and Law of God

 Kids Praise Team                 This Little Light of Mine                                   

 (Children age 3-2nd grade released to Children & Worship)


The Word of God


*Songs                                    All Glory, Laud and Honor                                        -Love


Scripture:                                Job 38:1-7; Matthew 21:1-11   

Message:                           “Troubled by a Talking Whirlwind”

                                                          Pastor Rich

Prayer for Blessing                                        

 The Response to the Word

Mission of the Month

Offering                                     Hosanna, Loud Hosanna                                      -Martin          


*Doxology                      Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow                  -No. 382

Offertory Prayer

*Song                                                 Life of Praise                                                    -Hall





Pray for Our Pastor:  Please join us in room seven 10 minutes before each service to pray for our pastor and for his message to touch the hearts of those listening.

April Mission of the Month: Words of Hope is an international media ministry working to build the church throughout the world. They focus on areas that are hard to reach with the gospel, either because of poverty, geography, or social antagonism toward Christianity.

April Calling Team:  Please call Tod V and Brian W with any special concerns or requests.

CONNECT Wednesday: The kids will be learning about finding the empty tomb after Jesus was crucified

Maundy Thursday Communion Service: Thursday, April 18, 2019 at 7:00 P.M.

Good Friday Community Service:  Friday, April 19, 2019 at 1st United Methodist Church, 7:00 P.M.

Enhanced Coffee Fellowship Hour Easter Sunday, April 21- There is a sign-up sheet in the FLC to bring a baked good to share after the service.  There will also be an Easter Egg Hunt during that time for the kids ages third grade and younger.  Thank you to the Burcham small group for organizing the hunt and providing the candy. 

Youth Group Rummage Sale Fundraiser:  Saturday May 4 from 8-2 p.m.  Item s can be dropped off in the FLC on Friday, May 3.  Thank you in advance for your contributions.

Summer Mission Trips:  July 18-21 and August 8-11.  Both trips will be to the Stanton’s property in Alger, MI.  Please see the sign-up sheet in the FLC if you are interested in going on either of these trips.

Siloam Christian Church Please pray for their ministry to continue growing!

Your Leaders covet your fervent Prayer:

Pastor Rich, Immanuel leadership, and our ministry teams

             Friends with Health Concern

  Gary A, Mark B, Joe C,

          Howard J. C, Sandy F, Carol G,

     Ronda H, Roland H and other Parkinson’s sufferers,

Kathe L, Eleanor N, Marian P,

        Sandi S, and Joy V for continued healing.

                     Save these Dates:

                                             Painting with Sandi- April 23

                                                       Men’s Study- April 23

                                                 Consistory Meeting- May 7

                                         Congregational Meeting/ Potluck- May 19

                                             Summer Mission Trip- July 18-21

                                            Summer Mission Trip- August 8-11