Pre-Service Music
Invitation to Worship
*Song Holy, Holy, Holy -Heber/Dykes
*Congregational Greeting
Prayer of Confession
The Lord’s Prayer
Words of Assurance and Law of God
(Children age 3-2nd grade released to Children & Worship)
The Word of God
*Song O, the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus -Francis/Williams
Message Mission Sharing
Prayer for Blessing
The Response to the Word
Communion Hymn Let Us Break Bread Together, vs 1
Celebrate the Lord’s Supper
Responsive Communion Thanksgiving
Mission of the Month
Offering How Firm Foundation -Hayes/Gaspard
*Doxology Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow No. 382
Offertory Prayer
*Song Jesus is Lord of All -Gaithers
Your Leaders covet your fervent Prayer:
Pastor Rich, Anthony, Immanuel leadership and ministry teams
Friends with Health Concerns:
Mark B., Howard J. C. , Carol G.,
Rhonda H., Eleanor N., Sandi S.
Roland H. and other Parkinson’s sufferers
Michael S. (A. Williams’ Uncle) –Cancer/Salvation!
Save these Dates:
Prayer Reprise Sermons – September Sundays
Weds. Night CONNECT Dinner/Jr./Sr. High Kickoff – September 19
Sunday School Resumes – September 23
CONNECT Bike Parade! – September 26
Adult Choir Resumes – October 3
C.R.O.P. Walk – October 14
Game Night – October 20
*Prayer Line 517-321-2495, ext. 191*
September Calling Team: Please call David S. and Linda B. with any special concerns or requests.
Flowers are provided by: Jennifer B. in honor of Angel and Esperanza’s birthdays!
September Mission of the Month- Immanual’s Backpack Ministry. We provide food to 160 children at Cumberland elementary school once a month. Today we have a guest speaker who is going to share with us how this mission benefits the children and their teachers. *We will be filling bags next week, September 16, after the service. Please come downstairs around 11:15 a.m. if you would like to help out!
“BRICK AND MORTAR” REPORT: This is to keep you informed of upcoming expenses at ICRC. 1. Replacement of one furnace/AC unit and service on another AC Unit in the Family Life Center: Estimate $7600 2.Resurfacing, filling approximately 1000 feet of cracks, repainting lines in the parking lot: Estimate $3825 3. Service on floor buffer used in Family Life Center: no estimate yet.
Mark your calendars! Painting with Sandi S. begins this Tuesday September 11 at 6:30 p.m. in the choir room. Anybody is welcome with any level of talent! ($12 pp)
Mark your calendar: Sunday school will begin Sunday, September 23. You and your children can be talking to their friends’ families about joining you. We look forward to sharing Jesus with you even more.
CONNECT: CONNECT will resume again on Wed nights beginning September 19. Please join us for dinner at 5:30 p.m. Activities will begin at 6:15 p.m. The theme for the 19th will be GAMES, GAMES, GAMES! Wednesday, the 26th is BIKE PARADE night. Bring your bike, trike or wagon for any repairs it may need or to shine it up. We are also going to decorate your bikes and there will be a BIG PARADE with prizes!!!
Crop Walk Date: Looking toward the fal1, put this special date on your calendar for a great cause. They have shortened the walk this year and changed it a bit so that it gives it a fresher feel, if you have done this for several years. Check out the oversized flyer on the bulletin board at the top of the stairs. Let’s walk and work together for the Lord’s underprivileged.
Siloam Christian Church Please pray for their ministry to continue growing!