Pre-Service Music
Invitation to Worship
*Song Come Now is the Time to Worship -Doerksen
*Congregational Greeting
Prayer of Confession
The Lord’s Prayer
Words of Assurance and Law of God
*Solo Jesus Loves Me
(Children age 3-2nd grade released to Children & Worship)
The Word of God
*Songs Good Good Father -Barrett/ Tomlin
In the Garden -Miles
Scripture Jeremiah 9:23-24
Message “Getting Personal with God”
Pastor Rich
Prayer for Blessing
(Mission of the Month Offering)
*Doxology Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow No. 382
Offertory Prayer
*Song My Hope is In You -April Geesbreghtt
Your Leaders covet your fervent Prayer:
Pastor Rich, Anthony, Immanuel leadership and ministry teams
Friends with Health Concerns:
Mark B., Howard J. C. , Carol G.,
Rhonda H., Eleanor N., Sandi S.
Roland H. and other Parkinson’s sufferers
Michael S. (A. Williams’ Uncle) –Cancer/Salvation!
Save these Dates:
Weds. Night CONNECT Dinner/Jr./Sr. High Kickoff – September 19
Sunday School Resumes – September 23
CONNECT Bike Parade! – September 26
Adult Choir Resumes – October 3
C.R.O.P. Walk – October 14
Game Night – October 20
*Prayer Line 517-321-2495, ext. 191*
September Calling Team: Please call David S. and Linda B. with any special concerns or requests.
Flowers are provided by...Marcia loving memory of her mother Marian D.Y. birthday and in honor of Dean’s birthday.
September Mission of the Month… Immanual’s Backpack Ministry… We will be filling bags after the service today. Please come downstairs around 11:15 a.m. if you would like to help out! Your time and efforts are appreciated!
The Great Lakes City (RCA) Executive Team has approved the criteria and formation of a Search Team to select our next Classis Leader and is seeking applicants. We Want You! Diversity on the search team would include an equal number of elders and pastors, male and female participants, and include geographic diversity. It should include representation from racially diverse people, those who attend large and small congregations, established and new congregations, as well as younger and older participants. Want to shape the future of our network of churches? Please apply to be on the GLCC Search Team (due Sept. 30, 2018). More information is available here:
Search Team Application is available directly on our website here: under Search Team.
Mark your calendars! The proposed start date for Sunday school is next Sunday, September 23. You and your children could be talking to their friends’ families about joining you for that special Sunday and any other after that. We look forward to sharing Jesus with you!.
CONNECT: CONNECT will resume again this Wednesday, September 19. Please join us for dinner at 5:30 p.m. Activities will begin at 6:15 p.m. The theme for this week will be GAMES, GAMES, GAMES! Wednesday, the 26th is BIKE PARADE night. Bring your bike, trike, or wagon for any repairs it may need or to shine it up. We are also going to decorate your bikes and there will be a BIG PARADE with prizes!!!
Crop Walk Date: Sunday, October 14, 2018. Put this special date on your calendar for a great cause and check out the oversized flyer on the bulletin board at the top of the stairs. Let’s walk and work together for the Lord’s underprivileged.