December 24, 2017 p.m.

“What Shall We Do With This Baby?”

Pre-Service Music                    Still, Still, Still

Scene 1 -2

*Carol:  What Child is This?                                                                      No. 180

Scripture Reading: Luke 2: 1-7

Carol:  Some Children See Him                                                                  No. 181

Scene 3

Carol: The First Noel

Scripture: Luke 2: 8-16

*Carol: While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks                                        No. 175

Special Music: Away in a Manger

            Go Tell it on the Mountain!                                                            No. 205

Scene 4

We Three Kings of Orient Are                                                                   No. 206

Scripture:  Matthew 2: 1-2, 9-12


Special Music: You’re Here

Lighting of the Christ Candle

Sharing of the Light

Carol: Silent Night                                                                                      No. 195


Post Service Music                  Go Tell It on the Mountain                 (arr. Larson)


This Evening’s Participants

Rev. Richard Heusinkveld


Questioner 1 - Anna O.
Questioner 2 - Kandy H.
Narrator - Fred H.
Scripture Reader - Marcia J.
Mary - Rachel L.
Joseph - Fred B.

Shepherd - Lukas R.
Angels - Sophia L., Jessica F., Casady R.
Wise Men - Josh H., Tony C., Mark B.

Costuming/Props/Stage Crew/Lights

 Linda H., Doreen D.,

Dean J., Brian W., Karla T.

Special Music

Abigail, Rachel, Sophia L.

Gabe H.

Scripture Readers:

Doreen D.

Bruce T.

Poinsettias have been given by:  The H. Family in memory of Alice H. and in honor of Roxie P.e;  the H. in memory of Great Grandma Rena and Grandma Rosa; the S. and L. in honor of God’s faithful love!