December 24, 2017 a.m.

The Approach to God

Pre-Service Music               Carol of the Bells/I Saw Three Ships            -Hayes      

Invitation to Worship

*Congregational Greeting

*Songs             Joy to the World/Angels from the Realms of Glory   No. 171/190

Lighting of the Advent Candles

*Song                                O Little Town of Bethlehem                             No. 178                

Words of Assurance and Law of God    

 (Children age 3-2nd grade released to Children & Worship)

  The Word of God

*Song                                    What Child is This?                                         

Scripture                                      John 1:1-5

Message                                   "Hope is Born"

                                                 Anthony T.

*Song                                O Come All Ye Faithful                                   No. 193

Prayer for Blessing

The Response to the Word

Offering                                Away in a Manger                                          -Line

*Doxology                  Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow         No. 382     

Choir                                       Noel Festival                                      

Offertory Prayer 

*Song                            Hark! The Herald Angels Sing                            No. 184


Post Service Music                        

*Those who are able are invited to stand.                            

Hymns projected by permission of CCLI #95502

 Please Join us in Praying for:

Mission of the Month:   ICRC Camp Grants.

Pastor Rich, Staff, and Immanuel leadership and ministry teams

Members with Health Concerns:  Vicki B.,  Mark B.,  Howard C.

Sandy F., Carol G.,  Roland H.,  Eleanor N.,  Sandi S.

 Paul H.:   hospice care at home. 

Linda H. Rehabilitation after knee surgery

James S. - Healing of Ulcerated Foot

Save these Dates:

Jr. High Lock In - Saturday, January 6

Men’s Study and the Painting Class resume – Tuesday, January 9

CONNECT Resumes – Weds., January 10

Camp Geneva – January 19-21

Game Night – Saturday, January 27

Card Making – Saturday, February 24


December Consistory Calling Team is Tod V.W. and Brian W.  January will be Dave S. and Linda B.

Our December poinsettias have been given by:  Fred & Kandy H. Family in memory of Alice H. and in honor of Roxie P.;  Pastor and Linda H. in memory of Great Grandma Rena and Grandma Rosa; Ken and Bronwyn S. and Joe and Darla L. in honor of God’s faithful love!  The plants can be taken after the Christmas Eve evening service.  Thank you to Don and Sany F. for getting the poinsettias.

Mission of the Month:  The ICRC Camp Grants will be our emphasis this month. We will still receive your donations through the end of the month.  Please memo your gift.

CONNECT:  There will be no CONNECT dinner or classes until we resume January 10.  Have a blessed Advent and Christmas!

 Siloam Church will be rehearsing Friday evening, 4-8p.m. and worshipping on Christmas Day here at Immanuel.

A Special Christmas Note from Geri V. F. is on the bulletin board.

Offering Envelopes for 2018 are in your boxes, if you have not picked them up already.  Please check the number to make sure it matches your previous number.  If it does not, please call the office as soon as possible so new envelopes can be provided.  If you do not have offering envelopes and would like some, please call the office.

Staff Gift: The church staff is very grateful for your generous hearts to give over and above their salary.  May God give back to you, as well!

Nursery volunteers NEEDED!  I’ve had people requesting to be taken off this service opportunity; if you are willing to help fill in the gaps, please sign up in the Family Life Center and write down how often you are willing to help. The families appreciate an opportunity to worship without distraction once in a while.  Thank you.

Compassion Sponsorship:  Our young friend from Bangladesh, affectionately referred to as “Z”, will be receiving the children’s cards and pictures soon.  Please pray it brightens his Christmas celebration and the heart of his family and community.  We have no idea the impact of such simple gifts to someone who has nothing.