Sunday, June 23, 2024

As we read through the Minor Prophets this summer, we will see that the main problem they are plagued with is the problem of identity amnesia. They forget who they are as God's people, and where they are in God's promised land. In short, they lose the plot to the story. They forget who they are and where they are in God's Story, and as a result, they turn to two common forms of sin: idolatry and injustice. They worship the wrong things, they wrong others, and in all of this, they betray God's covenant. Yet, God's faithfulness perseveres and calls them back to be the people He has called them to be.

In this series we will explore how God's redemptive story continues despite the corruption of our sin and the chaos of our world.

Today’s Worship

Power of Your Love

Your Name

Build My Life


Amos 5:18-27


"Let Justice Roll."

It Was Finished Upon That Cross


June Mission of the Month: Family Life Radio (99.9 FM), Smile FM (88.1), and Shine FM (95.3). These are 3 Christian music stations in Lansing, MI, that connect your heart to God’s and encourage your walk with Him. Contributions to this mission will be split equally between them.

The July - Sept Greeter Schedule has been posted in the Family Life Center: There are many openings available. Thanks to everyone who has participated in the program, we are always happy to have new faces at the door, and at the top of the stairs.  You may sign up as a couple or a single.  If you have any questions, please contact Sheryl P. via phone, email or text.

Mobile Food Bank: We will host another Mobile Food Bank here in the parking lot on Tuesday, July 16, from 4-6 pm. If you would like to help sort and put food into cars, please sign up on the “Bulletin Board” tab via our website, or in the Church Center App.

16th Annual Community Basketball Camp, July 8-11 : This is a free camp held here at Immanuel for boys and girls ages 8-15 years old. Check-in time is at 4:45 pm.  They will begin with drills at 5 pm. There will be a guest speaker each evening at 6 pm, and dinner will be served at 6:30 pm. After dinner, the kids will split into groups according to their age for more instruction and games. Please stop by the Welcome table in the lobby for a registration form. Completed forms may be returned to the church office. There will also be forms available to fill out when the campers arrive.

On Thursday, July 11, the Last Day of Basketball Camp: There will be a celebration in the parking lot, and an Adults vs. Kids basketball game, so come on out and eat, meet some new families, and watch some basketball!

Basketball Camp Volunteers Needed: There are several opportunities to serve at this camp. We will need help with:

·         Dinner Prep- 5:30-6:30 pm.

·         Serving dinner- 6:30-7:30 pm

·         Clean-up After Dinner- 7:30 pm.

·         Help Coaching Kids- 5:00-8:30 pm. This does not require coaching skills, just a heart for the game, and a willingness to help the kids follow the coaches directions and stay focused.

 Please sign up to volunteer by visiting our website at, and then click on the “Bulletin Board” tab, or you may sign up in the Church Center App. Please indicate what days you are available to help when signing up.

Bible Donations: We are collecting new or gently used bibles to pass out during Basketball Camp. If you have bibles to donate, please place them in the box under the mailboxes, just outside of the sanctuary, or you may bring them to the church office.


The offering plate is located at the front of the sanctuary. You may also submit an offering online at

Local Needs:

Personal Needs Closet: Provides personal hygiene items and cleaning supplies to families in need. We are currently in need of women’s shampoo and conditioner, men’s and women’s deodorant, and toothpaste. Please place donations in the baskets under the mailboxes outside of the sanctuary. If you are in need of help, please call Christian Services at (517) 394-5411.

Calling Team Assignments:

In an effort to offer more personalized care to our church members, we have divided each member into smaller groups with one Elder and one Deacon as a resource and contact person. If you need prayer or have a question or concern, please call the Elder or Deacon that you are assigned to according to your last name.

Last Name A-D

Elder Janet V

Deacon Fred H

Last Name E-H

Elder Harold S

Deacon Sally K

Last Name J-P

Elder Dave S

Deacon Kerri Mi

Last Name R-W

Elder Matt O

Deacon Jessi F

Your Leaders are so thankful for your fervent prayers:

Thank you for praying for the ICRC staff and ministry team leaders.

 Friends with Health Concerns

Mark B, June B, John B, David C, Joe C, Howard J. C, Don F, Sandy F, Nancy F, John F, Carol G

Kathy G, Roland H, Emily J, Barb K, Dianne K, Dave N, Yvonne N, Marcia N, and Wayne S.

If you are in need of meals or if you would like to help prepare meals, please contact.

Kerri M.

Prayer Requests

Prayer Chain:

You may also submit requests via our “Prayer Box”, located near the mailboxes outside of the sanctuary, you can call and talk to Stacia, our church secretary, or you may reach out to Marcia J, the leader of our prayer team directly. 

If you would like become a part of the ICRC Prayer Chain, please sign up on the “Bulletin Board” tab via our website.

Save the Dates:

7/8-7/11- 16th Annual Community Basketball Camp, 5-8:30 pm

7/09- Afternoon Life Group, 2:30 pm

7/09- Men’s Study, 7:00 pm

7/14- Worship/ Communion, 10:00am

7/16- Mobile Food Bank, 4-6 pm

7/18- Prayer Team Meeting, 6:00 pm

7/21- Volunteer Appreciation, Ice Cream Sundaes after church, 11:15am

7/23- Afternoon Life Group, 2:30 pm

7/23- Men’s Study, 7:00 pm

8/6- Deacon’s Meeting, 6:00 pm

8/6- Elder’s Meeting, 6:30 pm

8/6- Consistory Meeting, 7:30 pm

8/9-8/10- Jr. High Youth Group Backyard Mission Trip.