In this series we hope to reclaim Revelation as the beautiful gift it is for the church. Revelation is easily the most misunderstood and feared book of the Bible. Which is unfortunate, because, as we will see in this series, Revelation was originally written to bring comfort not confusion. Its words were meant to inspire confidence, not incite fear. Its vivid imagery is meant to describe the world as it is, not predict its ending. Revelation was originally written to seven churches who existed during a time of great persecution and oppression against Christians.
The words of Revelation were meant to give its hearers confidence to endure in faithfulness to Christ and His mission while living amid an uncertain and threatening world.
Today’s Worship
Power of Your Love
Yet Not I But Through Christ in Me
Revelation Song
Revelation 1:1-20
“The Revelation of Jesus Christ”
February Mission of the Month: Compassion International is a child sponsorship and Christian humanitarian aid organization that aims to positively influence the long-term development of children globally and release them from poverty in Jesus’ name.
Further study Opportunity: Today we begin a new series through the book of Revelation. If you would like to engage the book of Revelation in further study outside of the Sunday morning messages, there is a resource written by Pastor Matt provided for you to pick up today. The resource has one weekly overview reading and five daily reflection readings. If you would like to receive a digital copy of this resource via email please sign-up through our website.
Welcoming Worship Room: This is an alternative space to worship on Sunday mornings. It is available for everyone, including children who need a little extra wiggle space, adults who need a comfortable chair to sit in and put their feet up, or new mothers and babies.
The worship service is streamed in real time. The furniture is comfortable. There is a children's corner with activities and toys for the kids.
Our hope is that this room provides a space that makes the worship experience of all individuals and families feel more welcoming. Please feel free to use this room whenever you are in need. To find it, go to the back of the sanctuary and down the stairs on the right.
2024 Elder and Deacon Nominations: The Consistory will begin working on a slate of nominees for 1 new Elder and 1 New Deacon in preparation for the next Congregational meeting in June.
Harold S will be rotating off from the Elders. Jessi F will be rotating off from the Deacons.
All members 18 yrs. of age and older are invited to recommend up to 2 members for each office.
Those members who are ineligible for nomination because they are either presently serving, or have recently rotated off are: Sandy C, Eric C, Sue F, Jessi F, Fred H, Mike J, Sally K, Kerri M, Matt O, Harold S, Dave S, and Janet V.
If you are a member and are 18 yrs. of age or older, please prayerfully consider your recommendations, and then submit them online via the Google form that was sent out by the church office on Tuesday, February 13th.
You may also submit your responses by filling out a paper ballot here at church. The ballots and the ballot box are located by the mailboxes outside of the sanctuary.
The deadline for submission of names is Sunday, March 3, 2024.
To support the ongoing ministry of Immanuel, please place your offering in one of the offering plates at the front of the sanctuary. You may also submit an offering online at
Local Needs:
Mobile Food Bank: Saturday, March 2, 9-11 am. If you would like to help sort and put food into cars, please sign up on the “Bulletin Board” tab via our website.
Personal Needs Closet: This ministry provides personal hygiene items and household cleaning supplies to families in need. We are currently in need of women’s shampoo & conditioner, women’s deodorant, toothpaste, dish soap, and paper towels. Please place donations in the baskets under the mailboxes located outside of the sanctuary. If you are in need of help, please call Christian Services at (517) 394-5411.
Calling Team Assignments:
In an effort to offer more personalized care to our church members, we have divided each member into smaller groups with one Elder and one Deacon as a resource and contact person. If you need prayer or have a question or concern, please call the Elder or Deacon that you are assigned to according to your last name.
Last Name A-D
Elder Janet V
Deacon Fred H
Last Name E-H
Elder Harold S
Deacon Sally K
Last Name J-P
Elder Dave S
Deacon Kerri Mi
Last Name R-W
Elder Matt O
Deacon Jessi F
CONNECT Wednesdays (September 13 - May 8)
3:00- 5:00 pm.- The Hangout. An after-school program where high school students can hang out, do homework, play tabletop games, video games, drink pop, and eat snacks.
5:30 pm.- CONNECT Dinner. A free meal that the whole family can participate in.
6:15-7:00 pm.- CONNECT Kids (Children Ages 3 yrs.-5th Grade) join together to learn about Jesus in a fun and safe environment. They will enjoy singing, bible stories, arts and crafts, games, and more!
6:15- 7:30pm.- Jr. High Youth Group. For more information, please contact Joey South at
Sr. High Youth Group ( 9th-12th Grade)-
Sundays, September 17 - May 12
5:30-6:30 pm- Open Volleyball
6:30-8:00 pm- Youth Group Meets
For more information, please contact Joey South at
Life Groups
We have several Life Group options for adults. Our Life Groups get together to grow in their faith, pray together, serve together, and support one another. If you are interested in joining a Life Group, please email Bruce T at
Your Leaders are so thankful for your fervent prayers:
Thank you for praying for the ICRC staff and ministry team leaders
Friends with Health Concerns
Mark B, June B, John B, David C,
Joe C, Howard J. C, Don F, Sandy F, John F, Carol G,
Kathy G, Roland H, Emily J, Barb K, Dianne K, Dave N, Yvonne N, Marcia N, and Wayne S.
If you are in need of meals, or if you are willing to provide meals when needed,
please contact Kerri M.