What is the church? What does it look like to be a church? How does God call us to be His church today? We will explore the answers to these questions and many more in our series through Ephesians.
The Apostle Paul's letter to the Ephesian church is often described as God's model for the quintessential church. In this letter we learn how pivotal the church is to God's mission in the world and what it looks like for us to live out our faith in community together.
Over the next 7 weeks we will explore what it means to be God's church formed by and for the work of His grace in Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit.
Today’s Worship
Count Your Blessings
Be Thou My Vision
In Christ Alone
Ephesians 6:10-20
“Worthy of the Calling Pt. 4”
Sara Eytcheson- Alvarado
(ElmTree Ministries)
November Calling Team: Please call Sally K or Matt O with any special concerns or requests.
November Mission of the Month: We are sponsoring a single mom from Central Africa and her 5 year old daughter, a 33 year old man from Afghanistan, and a 21 year old female from Guinea. We will have an Angel tree set up outside of the sanctuary with gift tags to choose from telling you who the gift is for, their age, and a desired gift. After purchasing your gift, we ask that you return it here to Immanuel unwrapped, with the original receipt, or a copy of it attached. Please underline the gift purchased on the receipt.
Wrapping paper, gift tags, and tape are also welcomed donations for this very important mission.
Staff Holiday Gifts: If you would like to contribute towards a monetary Christmas gift for the ICRC staff, please enclose your gift in an envelope labeled “Staff Gift”, or you may write this on the memo line of your check, and then drop it into one of the collection plates at the front of the sanctuary. Please also be sure to include your envelope number for contribution credit. The deadline to contribute is this Thursday, November 30th. The deacons will then divide the funds among the staff for their annual holiday gifts from the ICRC congregation.
Mobile Food Bank: We are hosting another Mobile Food Bank here in the parking lot on Tuesday, December 5, from 4-6 pm. If you would like to help sort and put food into cars, please sign up by clicking on the “Bulletin Board” tab via our website at www.icrclansing.org, Volunteers are welcome and encouraged to arrive early to help set up
Bingo: Come have fun and join us for Bingo, in the Morningside Room, after the CONNECT dinner, on Wednesday, December 6, from 6:15-7:15 pm.
Prayer Team Announcement: The Prayer Team wishes to remind you that the "Prayer Request" box near the Communion table in the sanctuary is always available for your prayer requests, and the team is always ready to join you in prayer before God. Your requests are welcomed and confidential.
Your 2024 Envelope Number is (Probably) Changing: In order to avoid ordering, paying for and disposing of (recycling) hundreds of unused giving envelopes, we are renumbering (most) envelopes for 2024. Additionally, if you did not utilize your envelopes in 2022 or so far in 2023, we will not automatically distribute them to you in 2024. If you do not receive them but would like them in 2024, please let the office or Fred H know and we will get them to you. Thank you for all of your contributions (time, talents, and treasures) to further God’s ministries at Immanuel.
To support the ongoing ministry of Immanuel, please place your offering in one of the offering plates at the front of the sanctuary. You may also submit an offering online at www.icrclansing.org.
Local Needs:
Immanuel partners with Lansing Christian Services to provide personal hygiene items and household cleaning supplies to families in need. This ongoing ministry is currently in need of body wash, women’s conditioner, women’s deodorant, toothpaste, bleach, and laundry pods. Please place donations in the baskets underneath the mailboxes located outside of the sanctuary. If you are in need of help, or know somebody who is, please call Christian Services at (517) 394-5411.
Save the Dates:
12/05- Mobile Food Bank, 4-6 pm
12/06- CONNECT, 5:30 pm
12/06- Bingo, 6:15 pm
12/10- Potluck with a Purpose, 11:15 am
12/16- Glad Tidings Cookie Exchange, 10:00 am
CONNECT Wednesdays (September 13 - May 8)
3:00- 5:00 pm.- The Hangout. An after-school program where high school students can hang out, do homework, play tabletop games, video games, drink pop, and eat snacks.
5:30 pm.- CONNECT Dinner. A free meal that the whole family can participate in.
6:15-7:00 pm.- CONNECT Kids (Children Ages 3 yrs.-5th Grade) join together to learn about Jesus in a fun and safe environment. They will enjoy singing, bible stories, arts and crafts, games, and more!
6:15- 7:30pm.- Jr. High Youth Group. For more information, please contact Joey South at jrsouth16@yahoo.com.
Sr. High Youth Group ( 9th-12th Grade)- September 17 - May 12
Sundays from 6:00-8:00 pm. For more information, please contact Joey South at jrsouth16@yahoo.com.
Life Groups
We have several Life Group options for adults. Our Life Groups get together to grow in their faith, pray together, serve together, and support one another. If you are interested in joining a Life Group, please email Bruce T at bterhaar@comcast.net.
Your Leaders are so thankful for your fervent prayers:
Thank you for praying for the ICRC staff and ministry team leaders
Friends with Health Concerns
Mark B, June B, John B, David C,
Joe C, Howard J. C, Don F, Sandy F, John F, Carol G,
Kathy G, Roland H, Emily J, Barb K, Jack N,
Marcia N, Dave N, Yvonne N,
If you are in need of meals, or if you are willing to provide meals when needed,
please contact Kerri M.
CONNECT Wednesdays (September 13 - May 8)
3:00- 5:00 pm.- The Hangout. An after-school program where high school students can hang out, do homework, play tabletop games, video games, drink pop, and eat snacks.
5:30 pm.- CONNECT Dinner. A free meal that the whole family can participate in.
6:15-7:00 pm.- CONNECT Kids (Children Ages 3 yrs.-5th Grade) join together to learn about Jesus in a fun and safe environment. They will enjoy singing, bible stories, arts and crafts, games, and more!
6:15- 7:30pm.- Jr. High Youth Group. For more information, please contact Joey South at jrsouth16@yahoo.com.
Sr. High Youth Group ( 9th-12th Grade)- September 17 - May 12
Sundays from 6:00-8:00 pm. For more information, please contact Joey South at jrsouth16@yahoo.com.
Life Groups
We have several Life Group options for adults. Our Life Groups get together to grow in their faith, pray together, serve together, and support one another. If you are interested in joining a Life Group, please email Bruce T at bterhaar@comcast.net.
Your Leaders are so thankful for your fervent prayers:
Thank you for praying for the ICRC staff and ministry team leaders
Friends with Health Concerns
Mark B, June B, John B, David C,
Joe C, Howard J. C, Don F, Sandy F, John F, Carol G,
Kathy G, Roland H, Emily J, Barb K, Jack N,
Marcia N, Dave N, Yvonne N,
If you are in need of meals, or if you are willing to provide meals when needed,
please contact Kerri M.