The table is a central part of our lives. It is where our bodies are nourished with food and our spirits with the fellowship of friends and family. It is where school projects get done and family game night happens. It is where we catch-up with friends and make new ones. We experience all of life at our tables.
The same is true for the table in our sanctuary, the Lord's Table. This is the table we gather at to experience the gifts of God as the people of God. It is at this table that Christ meets us and nourishes us. It is at this table that the Gospel story is remembered, revealed, and rehearsed.
For the next 2 weeks, we will continue exploring each part of the Reformed tradition's understanding of the Lord's Supper in order to better understand how Christ meets us, nourishes us, and forms us at the Table.
Today’s Worship
He Reigns
There Is One Gospel
Let Us Break Bread Together
Kids K-5th Grade to C & W
Luke 24:13-35
“CommUNION with Christ”
Yet Not I But Through Christ in Me
November Calling Team: Please call Janet V or Sandy C with any special concerns or requests.
November Mission of the Month: Immanuel has adopted a family of 6 from Afghanistan for Christmas this year. During the month of November, we will have an Angel tree set up outside of the sanctuary with gift tags to choose from. Each tag tells you who the gift is for, their age, and a desired gift. (The families wish list is also posted on the bulletin board outside of the sanctuary.) After purchasing your gift, please return it here to Immanuel unwrapped. Please also turn in your original receipt, or a copy of it, with the gift. You may also include a gift receipt. Gift receipts will go to the family in case they need to make an exchange, and the itemized receipts will go to Catholic Charities so that they can get more funding. Wrapping paper, gift tags, and tape are also welcomed donations for this mission.
CELEBRATE!: $2,189.51 was brought to the CWS/CROP "Harvest" on Thursday, November 3,2022 from Immanuel Community Reformed Church. These funds, along with those given by others in the Greater Lansing Area, will help our neighbors nearby and far away in overcoming hunger and aide in disaster relief. Thanks to all who used their time, talent, and treasure for Jesus' sake. Honored to represent Immanuel~ Marcia J.
Spaghetti Dinner/Dessert Auction Youth Group Fundraiser: This Saturday, November 19, at 6:00 pm.Dinner will be served “Restaurant Style” by our youth group participants.After dinner, they will hold a dessert auction where you can bid on your favorite dessert to share with your table or to take home with you for later.
Volunteers Needed to Help Assemble and Deliver Thanksgiving baskets Next Sunday, November 20, after the service: If you are able to help assemble and/or deliver baskets, please write your name down on the sign-up sheet located outside of the sanctuary. If you will be delivering baskets, we ask that you go in groups of 2 or 3. Please write down the names of all people in your group.
Staff Holiday Gifts: If you would like to contribute towards a monetary Christmas gift for the ICRC staff, please enclose your gift in an envelope labeled “Staff Gift”, or you may write this on the memo line of your check, and then drop it into one of the collection plates at the front of the sanctuary. Please also be sure to include your envelope number for contribution credit. The deadline to contribute is Sunday, December 4. The deacons will then divide the funds among the staff for their annual holiday gifts from the ICRC congregation.
A Message from the Deacons: There are benevolence funds available for gas and electric bills this winter. If you or someone you know is struggling to pay one or both of these bills, please contact the church office at (517) 321-2495.
To support the ongoing ministry of Immanuel, please place your offering in one of the offering plates at the front of the sanctuary. You may also submit an offering online at
Local Needs:
Immanuel Community Resource Closet partners with Lansing Christian Services to provide personal hygiene items and household cleaning supplies to families in need. This ongoing ministry is currently in need of paper towel, and toilet paper. Please place donations in the baskets underneath the mailboxes outside of the sanctuary or bring them to the church office. Families in need, please call Christian Services at (517) 394-5411 for a referral.
CONNECT Wednesdays
We begin with a meal that the whole family can participate in at 5:30 pm.
Children Ages 3 yrs.-5th Grade
Kids join together to learn about Jesus in a fun and safe environment. They enjoy singing, Bible, stories, arts and crafts, games, and more.
Jr. High Youth Group
(6th- 8th Grade, Sept- May)
6:00- 7:30pm.
For more information, please contact Joey South at
Sr. High Youth Group
(9th-12th Grade, Sept- May)
Sundays from 6:00-8:00 pm.
For more information, please contact Joey South at
Life Groups
We have several Life Group options for adults. Our Life Groups get together to grow in their faith, pray together, serve together, and support one another. If you are interested in joining a Life Group, please email Bruce T at
Your Leaders are so thankful for your fervent prayers:
Thank you for praying for the ICRC staff and ministry team leaders
Friends with Health Concerns
Mark B, June B, John B,
Joe C, Howard J. C, Sandy F, John F, Carol G,
Kathy G, Roland H, Lon H, Barb K, Wayne K,
Marcia N, Wayne S, and Sandi S.
If you are in need of meals, or if you are willing to provide meals when needed,
please contact Kerri M.
Save the Dates:
11/20- Worship/ Communion/ Deacon Lee’s Baptism, 10:00 am
11/20- Assemble/ Deliver Thanksgiving Baskets, 11:15 am
11/22- Men’s Study, 7:00 pm
11/23- No CONNECT/ Jr. High Youth Group, Thanksgiving Break
11/27- No Sr. High Youth, Thanksgiving Break
11/29- Mobile Food Bank, 4-7 pm