February 28, 2021

Greetings from all of us at Immanuel”

Pastor John Messer will be leading our study today in John 14:1-14, teaching us that if we want to know who God is, we need look no further than Jesus.

At Immanuel Community Reformed Church, Our Mission is: “Going into the community, imitating Christ, by feeding body and soul”. 

Our 4 core values are:  nurturing children and youth, doing acts of service, responding to real needs in the community, and welcoming the stranger.

Our hope is that we have established an atmosphere where all feel welcome here and are able to engage all that God is, with all that we are!

The Approach to God

Pre-Service Music                     

*Songs                                               O Come to the Alter                             -Elevation Worship

                                                           Goodness of God                                                   -Bethel

Prayer of Confession                     

Words of Assurance and Law of God

Congregational Greeting


The Word of God

*Songs                                                 Good, Good Father                                  -Barrett/ Brown

                                                           Softly and Tenderly                                         -Thompson

Scripture:                                                 John 14:1-14          

Message                                               “Me, We, or He?”

                                                           Pastor John Messer

Prayer for Blessing                           

The Response to the Word

Communion Hymn                                Lamb of God                                                           -Paris

Celebrate the Lord’s Supper

Responsive Communion Thanksgiving

*Song                                            What a Faithful God Have I                                   -Critchleys



Moment for Ministry


The ongoing ministry of the church relies on the generous giving of its members. At this time, we will not be passing the offering plates during the service.  Instead, you may place your offerings in the plates located on the stage at the front of the sanctuary immediately following the service.

 *Songs used by permission of CCLI #95502


February Calling Team:  Please call Marcia J, or Eric C with any special concerns or requests.

February Mission of the Month: Christian Services Is the place where people in our community can be heard. Dedicated church volunteers answer the help line phones, listen compassionately to each caller, verify information, and then connect them with the appropriate church or community resource. If you are in need of help and would like to reach Christian Services, please call (517) 394-5411.

Flowers Are Provided By:  Marcia J in loving memory of her dear sister in heaven, Jayne W.

Prayer Request: Please keep Kathe L’s sister Mary F in your immediate prayers as she has recently been diagnosed with cancer in her brain.

Dear Church Family:  I want to thank you all for your cards, calls, and kind words of concern for me during my time of healing.  Every thought and concern has meant so much to me and it all helps to give me the strength I will need to see this through.  Please continue to pray for patience and healing.  Thank you ~Vivienne M.

New Elder and Deacon Nominations, Feb. 11-28:  Marcia J. will soon be rotating off from the Elders and Julie L. from the Deacons. Today is the last day to submit nominations.

You may do so by filling out the Google form that was sent out to the congregation via email on Friday, February 12, titled, “Elder and Deacon Nominations”, or you may submit your nominations here at church by filling out a paper ballot and placing it in the box labeled “Elder & Deacon Nominations” located on the table by the mailboxes. 

Those members who are ineligible for nomination because they are either presently serving or who recently rotated off are: Carrie B, Jennifer B, Sandy C, Eric C, Sue F, Rick H, Marcia J, Mike J, Julie L, Dave S, Tod V, and Brian W.

Your Leaders are so thankful for your fervent prayers:

 Staff: Pastor Matt L, Joey S, Darla L, Stacia W

Consistory: Carrie B, Sandy C, Eric C, Sue F, Rick H, Marcia J, Mike J, Julie L, and our ministry teams

Pray for Our Missionaries

Prayer Request from Brian and Elizabeth Bruxvoort: for safety in all we do.  Please pray that villages will open up to travel again.  On a personal note, Elizabeth and I (Brian) could use prayer for wise use of our time as there seems to be more needs around us than we have time to meet. 

 To hear more prayer request from ICRC, please call 321-2495, extension 191, or if you have a personal prayer request, please contact Marcia J. You may also call the church office at 321-2495, extension 200, or you may submit a prayer request on our website at www.icrclansing.org.

Friends with Health Concerns

 Mark and June B, John B, Joe C,

                              Howard J. C, Sandy F, John F, Carol G,

       Roland H and other Parkinson’s sufferers,

Jim P, Marian P, James S, Sandi S, and Joy V

for continued health concerns.

Save the Dates

March 9- Painting with Sandi

                                                   March 9- Men’s Study

                           March 10- Jr. & Sr. High Youth Group Meeting

                                       March 11- Prayer Team Meeting