“Greetings from all of us at Immanuel”
During the season of Advent, we will be going through the book of Isaiah in a series titled, “A Thrill of Hope”. This series will focus on God’s promises through the prophet Isaiah. These promises gave hope to hopeless people, but they were not immediately fulfilled. As we journey through Isaiah and look at the promises God made to His people, we will see how it is our hope for what is to come that forms us as we wait in the present moment.
Isaiah will challenge us to see that God doesn’t work according to our timeline and He certainly doesn’t work in the way that we think He should, but even when all hope seems lost, and even when we can’t make sense of what is happening, God is at work to fulfill His promises.
Through Isaiah God reveals to us what we will ultimately see in the manger scene. We will see that in God’s timing, He uses the unexpected and the unimaginable to accomplish His purposes, and when we believe in a God like this, even when all hope seems lost, and even when we can’t make sense of things, there is always the thrill of hope in a God who is faithful to fulfill His promises.
This week we enter into the time of exile for the people of Israel. During this difficult time in which many find themselves questioning God, Isaiah gives the people a comforting message that anticipates their questions and reminds them of the hope they have in God.
The Approach to God
Pre-Service Music
Call to Worship
*Songs O Come All Ye Faithful -No. 193
We Three Kings -No. 206
Kids Message
Congregational Prayer
Words of Assurance and Law of God
Advent Wreath Lighting
Advent Video Testimonial
The Word of God
*Song Come Thou Long Expected Jesus -No. 168
Scripture: Isaiah 40:1-11; 21-31
Message “A Comforting Hope”
Pastor Matt
Prayer for Blessing
The Response to the Word
*Song Angels We Have Heard On High -No. 192
Mission of the Month Offering Received
*Songs used by permission of CCLI #95502
December Calling Team: Please call Sue F or Liz S with any special concerns or requests.
December Mission of the Month, Eve’s House: (Ending. Violent. Encounters.) This organization provides legal services, shelter, food, and a safe place to live for women and children who have experienced domestic violence. For more information, please visit www.eveinc.org, or if you are in need of help, please call the Crisis Line at (517) 372-5572.
Enhanced Coffee Hour: Please join us for food and fellowship in the Family Life Center after the service this morning.
Christmas Eve Service: Please join us Friday, December 24, at 6:00 pm., for our Christmas Eve Candlelight service.
CONNECT/ Jr. & Sr. High Youth: There will be no CONNECT or Jr. & Sr. High Youth Group this Wednesday, December 22, or next Wednesday, December 29, due to Winter Break. We will resume once again on Wednesday, January 5.
Reminder from the Counting Team: Per IRS rules, all contributions for the 2021 giving year must be received in the office by Dec. 31, or if mailed, postmarked by Dec. 31. E-Giving donations must also be made by Dec. 31. Thank you in advance. ~ Sheryl
Join Us Next Sunday, As We Wrap Up the Series, “A Thrill of Hope.”:
December 26 - Isaiah 61 "A Hope for December 26th"
Your Leaders are so thankful for your fervent prayers:
Staff: Pastor Matt L, Joey S, Ashlee W, Emily W, Stacia W
Consistory: Carrie B, Sandy C, Eric C, Sue F, Rick H, Mike J, Harold S., Liz S, and our ministry teams
Prayers for CranHill Ranch-
Please pray for the CranHill staff that they will receive God’s guidance and hear His direction. Please pray for their retreat groups and for their campers, asking God to soften their hearts so that when they hear the Gospel, they can respond. Please also pray for their summer camps, and that they will have enough staff during the summer. (If you know of a college student who is looking for a place to serve and to live out their faith, please have them fill out an application at www.cranhillranch.com/apply, or they may call (231) 796-7669 for more information.)
There is a Prayer Request box located next to the mailboxes, just outside of the sanctuary. If you have a personal prayer request, please write it down on one of the “Prayer Request” cards provided and place it in the box. The box will be checked weekly and shared only between ministry staff and the Prayer Team.
Friends with Health Concerns
Sara A. (Pregnancy), Shelby A, Mark and June B, John B, Joe C
Howard C, Sandy F, John F, Carol G,
Kathy G, Roland H, and other Parkinson’s sufferers,
Lon H, Marcia N, Wayne S., Sandi S, and Caitlin S. (Pregnancy)
If you are in need of meals, or if you are willing to provide meals when needed, please contact Kerri M.
Save the Dates
December 29- No CONNECT/ Youth Group, Winter Break
January 05- CONNECT/ Jr. & Sr. High Youth Group, 5:30 pm
January 11- Men’s Study, 7:00 p.m.
January 12- Fellowship Team Meeting, 6:30 p.m.
January 15- Adult Game Night, Time TBA