September 20, 2020

The Approach to God

Pre-Service Music                             Shine Jesus Shine                                             -Shackley

*Songs                                  Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise                            -W. C. Smith   

Prayer of Confession

Words of Assurance and Law of God


 The Word of God

*Songs                                                     All My Hope                                          -Crowder/Cash 


Scripture:                                       The Belhar Confession

Message:                                "What Matters?  Unity Matters."

                                                    Pastor Tom Grabill

Prayer for Blessing                           


The Response to the Word

Communion Hymn                              Table of Grace                                      -Hutto/Harrington

Celebrate the Lord’s Supper

Responsive Communion Thanksgiving


*Doxology                        Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow                           -No. 382

Offertory Prayers

*Song                            How Can I keep From Singing Your Praise                 -Tomlin/Redman          



 * Songs used by permission of CCLI #95502



September Calling Team:  Please call Mike J or Carrie B with any special concerns or requests.

Flowers are Provided by:  Jennifer B in celebration of her son Angel who turned 22 on 9/2 and her daughter Esperanza who will be turning 12 on 9/29. In Jennifer’s words, “Angel and Esperanza are my biggest blessings and what pushes me to be a better person. I thank God for them all the time!”

September Mission of the Month: “No Senior Without a Christmas”.  This year TRIAD will fill 400 boxes with household supplies, non-perishable food, and holiday cheer. The boxes are delivered to needy, older adults living in the tri-county region of Ingham, Eaton, and Clinton counties. Each box is delivered by uniformed public safety personnel, including law enforcement and fire personnel. 

The CWS CROP Hunger Walk Is:  Our opportunity to recognize our blessings and in gratitude share our resources with those who are in need. Your donations help hungry families throughout the world to eat today and feed themselves long into the future. When you support the CROP Hunger Walk, you establish farms, set-up small businesses, provide vital nutrients and create opportunities to flourish. 

The CROP Hunger Walk: will be our Mission of the Month for October. Please consider donating to this worthy cause by either mailing a check directly to the church office made out to ICRC, designating CWS/ CROP in the memo area, or by placing a check in the offering plate after the Sunday services.    Donations can also be made at, we are registered as Lansing Immanuel Community Reformed! You may begin donating today through October 25, 2020.  Thank you in advance for helping to end world hunger!

Thanksgiving Basket Sign-up- There are 2 weeks left to sign up if you would like to provide a Thanksgiving basket for a family in our community.   To purchase a basket, you may sign up online at:  or, you may write it on the sheet posted on the bulletin board in the Narthex.  The cost of each basket is $40, you can purchase more than one. Payments can be made by mailing a check directly to the church office, or by placing it in the collection plate during the Sunday service times. Please note on the memo line that it is for “Thanksgiving Baskets.”  Payments are due Sunday, October 4, the baskets will be distributed on Sunday, November 22. 

Consistory Updates: For those planning to join us indoors please read over and be familiar with the following protocol for gathering indoors for services:

1.      If you are experiencing any Covid-19 like symptoms please stay home.


2.      We ask that anyone coming to the service wear a mask into the building. You will enter through the lobby, where there will be a greeter and a sanitizing station. The greeter will help you with the red or green sticker indicating whether or not you are comfortable with people contact. Paper masks will also be available at this station as well. We ask that you keep your mask on as you enter and are seated. 


3.      Special accommodations will be made for anyone who has a medical reason that will not allow them to wear a mask.


4.      The Choir Room will be available for anyone in need of additional distancing.


5.      Greeters will help direct you inside and ushers to help seat you 6 feet apart. Everyone will enter through the back of the sanctuary and be guided to a seat. We will be seating the “greens” towards the front and the “reds” towards the rear. Once seated if you choose you may remove your mask provided you are keeping the appropriate distancing. However, we are asking that if you choose to sing please have your mask on for that. For the time of welcoming/greeting please stay in your place and use a smile and a wave in place of a hug and a handshake. 


6.      At the end of the service we will dismiss by rows from the front to the back. Please exit through the doors at the front of the sanctuary and continue out to the parking lot. Wear your mask through the exit process and be patient and allow time for others to exit without crowding the lobby. Once you are outside if you choose to fellowship with others, please be safe and compassionate to others needs and concerns. 


We look forward to taking another step toward normalcy with your help! We welcome any feedback and comments you might have as we try to chart a path in these new waters.

Your Leaders are so thankful for your fervent prayers:

 Staff: Pastor Tom G, Joey S, Darla L, Stacia W

Consistory: Carrie B, Sandy C, Eric C, Sue F, Rick H, Marcia J, Mike J, Julie L, and our ministry teams

  Friends with Health Concerns

Mark and June B, John B, Joe C,

                              Howard J. C, Sandy F, John F, Carol G,

       Roland H and other Parkinson’s sufferers,

Jim P, Marian P, James S, Sandi S, and Joy V for continued health concerns.

Save the Dates

September 30- Jr. High Youth Group

           October 4- Last Day for Thanksgiving Basket Sign-up

                        October 4- Senior High Youth Group

                           October 7- Jr. High Youth Group

                           October 8- Prayer Group Meeting

                              October 13- Consistory Meeting