The Approach to God
Pre-Service Music
Songs Love the Lord -Brewster
Prayer of Confession
Words of Assurance and Law of God
The Word of God
Song I Surrender -Crocker
Scripture: Exodus 13:17-14:31
Message: "Between: Learning to Stand Firm and be Still"
Pastor Tom Grabill
Prayer for Blessing
The Response to the Word
Communion Hymn
Celebrate the Lord’s Supper
Responsive Communion Thanksgiving
(Since we are separated, offerings can be sent through our website or USPS)
“You can’t take it with you, but you can send it on ahead!” R. Alcorn
*Song All Creatures of Our God and King -No. 347
* Hymns projected by permission of CCLI #95502
Sunday Worship: We Will Again Offer Both Online and Outdoor Worship this Sunday, July 12, at 10am. To view the service on Facebook, please click on the following link provided.
Communion this Sunday: Communion will be served during the worship service this coming Sunday, July12. Individually wrapped communion kits will be used for the outdoor, in-person service. If you plan to worship with us virtually and desire to take part in communion please have elements ready for partaking following the message.
July Calling Team: Please call Rick H or Julie L with any special concerns or requests.
July Mission of the Month: Judson’s Love Clothing Center provides clothing for school aged children. We have an opportunity to be a part of this great effort by collecting new and gently used clothing during the month of July. All children’s clothing is helpful, but especially needed is, new socks and underwear. There will be a box for donations just inside of the church entryway on the bench Sunday mornings during the Outdoor Worship Service time. You may also make a monetary donation towards this very worthy cause.
Consistory Update: The consistory met this week and covered several items of business. Here is what we want to pass along to you at this time:
1) Sunday, 10am Outdoor Worship will Continue for a Few More Weeks! We have been pleased with the positive response to meeting together outdoors on Sunday mornings in an attempt to create the safest environment for the well-being of all people. People have expressed their delight in worshiping outdoors as the weather has been nice. This past week we added tent canopies to create some shade and relief from the hot sun. Others have beat the heat by sitting in their cars and listening to the service on 1630 AM radio! Special thanks to all who have helped to make these services possible.
In case of rain, outdoor services will be cancelled and shown live on Facebook starting at 10am. Consistory will make the decision by 8am so there is time to contact each of you before you leave for church.
We are keeping a running list of volunteers to help on Sunday mornings when we move indoors. We still need several more to safely worship inside. Please contact the church office ( to let us know of your availability.
2) God Dreams Meeting to Review Quarterly Goals Will Take Place on Tuesday, July 21, at 6:30pm. Weather permitting this meeting will take place outdoors and by Zoom for all who cannot or choose not to meet in person. A formal report will follow during worship on July 26.
Search Team Update: The search team continues to meet each Wednesday and is working diligently to develop an ICRC Church Profile Form, which is an important document for the overall pastoral search process. We are in the midst of writing content and gathering photos of our life together, that will be included in it and be used to update the ICRC website. If you have any concerns about appearing in potential photos, please let Michelle C know by July 19. After this date, we will assume that it is OK to use pictures of you for these purposes.
Independent Youth Summer Program: From now until September 1st, students can earn points by completing posted tasks such as attending an Immanuel drive-in service, doing acts of service, memorizing scripture, watching and responding to videos, and more. As they accumulate points, they will earn a variety of prizes. Parents this is an excellent opportunity for your kids to grow spiritually, so please encourage them to get started by clicking on the link provided below:
Annual Rummage Sale: (Date TBD) If you have items to contribute to this sale, you may drop them off Mon-Wed during office hours, or on Sunday mornings before or after the service. We will be storing items in the garage at the Parsonage. If you plan to come during the week, please call the office first so that Stacia can meet you over there to open the garage. If you are not able to make it during these specified times, please contact Joey S to work out other arrangements. We will also be accepting returnable pop/beer cans for this youth group fundraiser so if you have any of those just sitting around, please bring them too!
Shade is in Short Supply Outside of the Church Building: We will be setting up pop- up canopies to sit under if you prefer to worship outside of your car. If you have a pop-up tent/ canopy that you would be willing to let us use on Sundays, please let us know, drop it off (labeled please), or bring it with you, as shade will be a relief on these warm summer days!
Thank You for Your Continued Tithes and Offerings: The ongoing ministry of the church relies on the generous giving of its members. Even though we won’t be gathering at the church building you may submit your tithes and offerings online via our website at,, and then click on “Giving” at the top of the page, or you may mail them to our office at 3200 Delta River Dr., Lansing MI, 48906. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the church office at (517) 321-2495.
Summer Trip: Alger August 12-16: After much consideration, we have decided that we are going to have our Alger Trip from Wednesday August 12th to Sunday August 16th (note that we have extended the trip by one day). The trip will, once again, be to Liz and Cecil Stanton’s property in Alger, MI (about 2 hours Northeast of Lansing). Liz and Cecil have a cabin on the property but it will mostly be a camping situation where we will be sleeping in tents.
Covid-19 Precautions
We determined that it is not going to be feasible to stay distanced from each other or to require masks on the whole trip. We will however, keep everybody separated from anybody who is not in our group. Only a select few adult leaders will be going to the store, gas station, etc. and will be required to wear masks and stay at least six feet away from strangers. Furthermore, Alger is a rural area that has not had many cases of Covid-19. Participants will also be temperature checked prior to departure.
Who can go?
This trip is open to the entire church with activities and devotions being geared towards youth and young adults (any kids in 4th grade and younger will need to be accompanied by a parent).
If you do not feel comfortable sending your student(s) on this trip, we completely understand. If you are on the fence and there are other precautions you would like us to take that would help you feel better about it, please contact me so we can talk about it.
Cost and Details
The cost of the trip is $50 per person.
Please sign up by emailing Joey The deadline to sign up is 7/17.
Your Leaders are so thankful for your fervent prayers,
Staff: Pastor Tom G, Joey S, Darla L, Stacia W
Consistory: Dave S, Marcia J, Rick H, Tod V, Brian W, Julie L, Carrie Band Jennifer B, and our ministry teams
Friends with Health Concerns
Gary A, Mark and June B, John B, Joe C,
Howard J. C, Sandy F, John F, Carol G,
Roland H and other Parkinson’s sufferers,
Jim P, Marian P, James S, Sandi S, and Joy V for continued healing.