June 16, 2019

The Approach to God

 Pre-Service Music               


*Songs                                          Sing to the King                                                   -Foote

*Congregational Greeting

 Prayer of Confession

Words of Assurance and Law of God


(Children age 3-2nd grade released to Children & Worship)


The Word of God

*Songs                          I’ll Fly Away/ Down at the Cross -Brumley/ Hoffman/ Stockton


Scripture:                           Romans 5:1-5, John 16:12-15

Message:                           “Finding Hope in the Spirit of Truth”

                                                     Rev. Andrea DeWard


Prayer for Blessing                                        

The Response to the Word


*Doxology                      Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow                  -No. 382

Offertory Prayers

*Song                                             Old Church Choir       -Williams/ Hulse/ Wedgeworth




Pray for Our Pastor:  Please join us in room seven 10 minutes before each service to pray for our pastor and for her message to touch the hearts of those listening.

June Mission of the Month:  Siloam Youth.  We are a "Mother Church" to the Siloam congregation, and they are our "Church Plant."  It is our job, like a mother's, to help them grow and to mature in their faith. On Pentecost Sunday, we took up a collection for their youth group.  There is still time to contribute to this worthy cause if you are able.

 June Calling Team:  Please call Jennifer B and Marcia J with any special concerns or requests.

 Happy Father’s Day to all men who have done fathering in any way!  The Burcham Small Group.

 We are continually collecting personal needs for the churches in the Lansing Christian Services network that have personal needs closets.  There is a special need for toilet paper and women’s personal products.  Items can be placed in the boxes at the end of the upstairs hall.

Graduation Open House for Sharon C:  All invited on Saturday, June 22, from 11-2 p.m. at the C. House..

Our youth group get together will be a graduation party for Jill at the H house on Sunday, June 23, from 4-7 p.m.  Senior and Junior High are invited, food will be provided! 

Graduation Open House for Emily W: All invited on Saturday, June 29, from 2-6 p.m., here at ICRC, 3200 Delta River Dr., Lansing, MI, 48906.

Weather Policy- Spring is here! With that comes the possibility of tornado watches/ warnings.  If there is a watch or a warning within a half hour before any scheduled programs meetings or activities, all will be cancelled at that time.

Your Leaders covet your fervent Prayer:

Pastor Rich, Immanuel leadership, and our ministry teams

               Friends with Health Concerns

Gary A, Mark B, Joe C,

          Howard J. C, Sandy F, Carol G,

      Ronda H, Roland H and other Parkinson’s sufferers,

              Kathe L, Eleanor N, Marian P,

          Sandi S, and Joy V for continued healing.

Save these Dates:

                                             June 25- Men’s Study

                                         June 29- Emily W Open House

                                                 July 2- Consistory Meeting

                                                July 8-11- Basketball Camp

                                           July 18-21- Summer Mission Trip

                                          August 8-11 Summer Mission Trip

                                     August 18- Church Picnic/ Hawk Island