The Approach to God
Pre-Service Music Oh Come, All Ye Faithful -Hicken
*Songs My Soul Magnifies the Lord -Carson/Tomlin
*Congregational Greeting
Responsive Prayer of Confession
Words of Assurance and Law of God
(Children age 3-2nd grade released to Children & Worship)
The Word of God
*Songs Emmanuel -Cash/Tomlin
Scripture: John 1:6-8; 19-28
Message “You Don’t Need Jesus”
Prayer for Blessing Pastor Rich
The Response to the Word
Mission of the Month Offering Received
Offering Oh, How Joyfully -Berry
*Doxology Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow -No. 382
Offertory Prayers
*Song Angels we have Heard on High -French Carol/Barnes
December Calling Team: Please call Tod V, or Brian W with any special concerns or requests.
Mission of the Month: The Salvation Army’s ministry is motivated by the love of God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination.
Backpacks for Cumberland: We will be filling backpacks today immediately following the service. If you would like to help, please join us downstairs in the food pantry.
Please Join Us in the FLC After the Service Today: There will be lots of nativity displays set up to look at and to learn about as well as Christmas cookies to enjoy. Rick H will also have unique items for sale from the Village of Hope in Uganda and from Bethlehem.
Enhanced Coffee Hour: It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Enjoy an Enhanced Coffee Hour after the service next Sunday, December 22. This is only possible with your help! Please sign up on the bulletin board in the FLC to bring your favorite holiday baked goods to share. Finger foods only please.
Wednesday Night CONNECT Dinners: The Burcham small group will be doing CONNECT dinners the first Wednesday of each month. The young adults, along with Carol C and Bridget F will we doing the second Wednesdays monthly, and Janet V’s small group will do the third Wednesdays. We are looking for volunteers to take on the fourth week of each month. If this is something that you can do, please let Linda B know at your earliest convenience.
Children and Worship Reminder: We are still supporting “Z” with Children and Worship Funds. (“Z”, is a child in Bangladesh with a very LONG name, so we call him “Z”.) Please think about sending your children to C & W with a small donation each week, so that they can learn about helping children in other lands.
Our Leaders Covet Your Fervent Prayer
Pastor Rich, Transition Pastor Tom Grabill, Immanuel leadership, and our ministry teams
Friends with Health Concerns
Gary A, Mark B, Joe C,
Howard J. C, Sandy F, Carol G,
Ronda , Roland H and other Parkinson’s sufferers,
Julie L, Marian P, Sandi S,
and Joy V for continued healing.
Save the Dates
December 24- Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
December 29- Lay Led Jazz Service
December 29- No Sunday School
January 1- No CONNECT, No Jr. High
January 5- No Sunday School
January 5- Super Bowl Sub Sale Begins
January 7- Consistory Meeting
January 8- Choir Practice