November 24, 2019

The Approach to God


Pre-Service Music                 When Morning Gilds the Skies                                   -James

*Songs                                 Old Church Choir/O Praise Him            -Williams/ Crowder

*Congregational Greeting

Prayer of Confession

Words of Assurance and Law of God

*Songs                                                Broken Things                                                 -West                                                      

(Children age 3-2nd grade released to Children & Worship)

 The Word of God

*Songs                                                 Giants Fall                                              -Battistelli

Scripture:                                         1 Samuel 17:1-52

Message                               “Facing Giants in Life and Work”

Prayer for Blessing                              Pastor Rich        

 The Response to the Word

Moment for Ministry

Offering                                  Now Thank We All Our God                                     -James

*Doxology                      Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow                  -No. 382

Offertory Prayers

*Song                                     All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name           -Perronet No. 325

                                        O Praise Him (Chorus Only)                              -Crowder




November Calling Team:  Please call Rick H, or Julie L with any special concerns or requests.

 We Will be Putting Together and Delivering Thanksgiving Baskets to Our Community Today:  If you are available to help with assembling these baskets, delivering them, or both, please meet us in the FLC after the service. 

Kick Off Your Own Christmas Spirit by Helping to Decorate the Church: This Saturday, November 30, from 4-6 pm. We would appreciate your help!  If you haven’t signed up already, please do so on the bulletin board in the FLC.  There will pizza for your enjoyment and fellowship afterwards.  

Please Remember to Call in Your Reservations for Pastor Rich's Retirement Dinner by Next Sunday, December 1:  You may contact either Kerri M, Deb M, or Marcia J. 

Sunday Songs Preview:   Darla emails YouTube links for songs that will be used for Sunday Worship.  We realize that there are a lot more people at our church now than when she started doing this, so we would like to let you know that if you do not currently receive these emails, and you would like to, please see Darla to give her your email address.  You may also email her and ask to be added to the list.  Youth and adults alike are invited to receive these links.

Do You Have a Nativity Set that You Love and Would Like to Display in Celebration of Jesus’ Birthday?  If so, please bring it in to share with us after the service on Sunday, December 15.  You can stop in to set it up Saturday afternoon, December 14.  There will be volunteers to monitor the tables to assure the safety of fragile pieces.  There will also be a special “touch” table set up for the children.

 If You Do Not Want to Receive 2020 Giving Envelopes: Please Notify the Office by Dec. 1.

Our Leaders Covet Your Fervent Prayer:

Pastor Rich, Immanuel leadership, and our ministry teams

   Friends with Health Concerns

 Gary A, Mark B, Joe C,

    Howard J. C, Sandy F, Carol G,

    Ronda , Roland H and other Parkinson’s sufferers,

Julie L, Marian P, Sandi S,

and Joy V for continued healing.

Save the Dates

December 2- Spiritual Growth Meeting

                                           December 3- Elder’s Meeting

                                             December 4- Choir Practice

                                  December 6- Jr. & Sr. High Mini Lock-in

                                       December 10- Painting with Sandi

                                             December 10- Men’s Study

                              December 13- Pastor Rich’s Farewell Dinner

                            December 14- Nativity Display Set-up in the FLC

                                 December 15- Nativity Display After Service

                                 December 18- Youth Group Christmas Party