November 17, 2019

The Approach to God

 Pre-Service Music               

*Songs                                     All Creatures of our God and King                          -Assisi    

*Congregational Greeting

Prayer of Confession

Words of Assurance and Law of God

*Songs                                                Broken Things                                               -West                                             

(Children age 3-2nd grade released to Children & Worship)


The Word of God

 *Songs                                I Give You My Heart/Enough            -Morgan/Tomlin-Giglio   

 Scripture:                                             Luke 16:1-13

Message                      “Transforming How I See and Use My Money”

Prayer for Blessing                              Pastor Rich        

 The Response to the Word

Mission of the Month Offering Received


*Doxology                      Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow                  -No. 382

Choir Anthem                          I Will Trust in the Lord                                          -Larson

Offertory Prayers

*Song                                          All Things Possible                                             -Schultz 




November Calling Team:  Please call Rick H, or Julie L with any special concerns or requests.

November Mission of the Month: “No Senior Without a Christmas”. Each year TRIAD fills 350 boxes with household supplies, non-perishable food, and holiday cheer. The boxes are then delivered to needy, older adults living in the tri-county region of Ingham, Clinton, and Eaton counties. Each box is delivered by a uniformed law enforcement officer or fire personnel. We will be passing the offering plates a second time this morning for this very important mission.

We Will be Packing Backpacks Today:  Please come downstairs immediately after the service.  Your help is greatly appreciated.

Sara E is Here Today to Share with Us an Update on What’s Been Happening in Honduras This Year. She will also have items on display in the FLC after the service:  Coffee for sale, grade school items, as well as some new handwoven baskets.  Please stop in to check them out!

 We are Looking for Volunteers to Help Put Together and Deliver Thanksgiving Baskets to Our Community on Sunday, November 24, After the Service:  If you are available to help with this, please notify Stacia in the office either by phone call, email, or in person. 

 Kick Off Your Own Christmas Spirit by Helping to Decorate the Church: We are planning a “Church Family Decorating Night” on Saturday, November 30, from 4-6 p.m., and we would appreciate your help.  Please sign up for a job in the FLC.  There will pizza for your enjoyment and fellowship afterwards.  

 Please Remember to Call in Your Reservations for Pastor Rich's Retirement Dinner by December 1:  You may contact either Kerri M, Deb M, or Marcia J. 

 If You Do Not Want to Receive 2020 Giving Envelopes: Please Notify the Office by Dec. 1.

Our Leaders Covet Your Fervent Prayer:

Pastor Rich, Immanuel leadership, and our ministry teams

   Friends with Health Concerns

 Gary A, Mark B, Joe C,

    Howard J. C, Sandy F, Carol G,

    Ronda , Roland H and other Parkinson’s sufferers,

Julie L, Marian P, Sandi S,

and Joy V for continued healing.

Save the Dates

November 26- Painting with Sandi

    November 26- Men’s Study

  November 27- Thanksgiving Break

   November 28- Thanksgiving Day

   November 30- Decorate the Church

      December 3- Elder’s Meeting

      December 6- Jr. & Sr. High Mini Lock-in

       December 10- Painting with Sandi

    December 10- Men’s Study

   December 13- Pastor Rich’s Farewell Dinner

   December 14- Nativity Display Set-up in the FLC

   December 15- Nativity Display After Service

    December 18- Youth Group Christmas Party