Lay Led Jazz Worship Service
Pre-Service Music O Holy Night -Jazz Trio
Scripture Luke 2:6-20
*Song Angels We Have Heard On High -French Carol/ Arr. Smith
*Congregational Greeting
Song Hark the Herald Angels Sing -Wesley/Mendelssohn/ Arr. Farnum
Song History:
Piano/Guitar Duet Carol of the Bells -Ukranian Carol
Scripture Matthew 2:1-12
*Song T The First Noel -English Carol / Arr. Smith
Offering We Three Kings - Jazz Trio
Scripture Isaiah 21:11-12
Solo Go Tell It on the Mountain -J. Work, Jr.
Piano Solo The Christmas Song -Torme/Wells
Scripture Psalm 85
Song Angels from the Realms of Glory -Montgomery/Smart
*Song Joy to the World -Watts
Postlude Joy to the World
January Calling Team: Please call Tod V and Brian W. with any special concerns or requests.
January Mission of the Month: The City Rescue Mission of Lansing is the largest shelter in Michigan's capital area, founded in 1911. They provide shelter to 140 women, children, and men every night and serve about 100,000 meals every year. They are a Christian ministry which exists for the sole purpose of meeting the physical and spiritual needs of our community!
Backpack Ministry will be packing bags on Sunday, January 13, right after the service. Wednesday, January 16 at 5:30, we will be delivering the backpacks to Cumberland. Please come and help if you can.
Please keep Mark and June Black in your prayers as they travel to Mayo Clinic for Mark’s checkup January 5. Also, Pastor and Linda as they enjoy FL!
We have many other members traveling, so please keep each other in prayer.
Exciting Ministry Opportunity for Kid’s CONNECT: Do you have a skill or a hobby that you could share or teach kids ages 4-9 years old? It only takes one night for 30-40 minutes and you will be a blessing to the youth of our church and community! If you are interested and would like to discuss this further, please contact either Carrie B, Linda B, Julie L, or Katie S.
Siloam Christian Church Please pray for their ministry to continue growing!