The Approach to God
Pre-Service Music
Invitation to Worship
*Song All Creatures of Our God and King -St. Francis
No. 347
*Congregational Greeting
Prayer of Confession
Lord’s Prayer
Song How Deep the Father’s Love -Townsend
He Reigns -Furler/Taylor
Words of Assurance and Law of God
(Children age 3-2nd grade released to Children & Worship)
The Word of God
Message Mission Sunday
L. G./Rick H
Prayer for Blessing
The Response to the Word
Moment for Ministry
Offering Piano Duet -Shackley
*Doxology Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow No. 382
Offertory Prayer
Prayer for Missionaries
*Song Watch and Pray -Paris
Please Join us in Fervant Prayer for:
Pastor Rich, Anthony, and Immanuel leadership and ministry teams
Members traveling this Summer
Members with Health Concerns:
Vicki B., Mark B., Howard C. , Sandy F.
Carol G., Andre H., Roland H. and other Parkinson's Sufferers,
Eleanor N.,
Michael S. (Ashlee W. Uncle) –Cancer/Salvation!
Save the Date
SUMMER CONNECT, 6:30 p.m. – June 27, July 25, August 22
Houston Mission Trip – July 7-14
Alger, MI Mission Trip – July 26-29
All Church Campout in the U.P. – August 4-11
Church Picnic – August 26
June Calling Team: Jennifer B. and Michelle C.. July will be Fred H. and Bruce TH.
Flowers for church are provided by Carrie B. for Jennifer’s Birthday!
June Mission of the Month… today will be the last day for a gift to be given for Christian Radio.
Emma B. is having her High Sschool graduation party TODAY: 1pm to 4pm. It will be at our home. Please come to celebrate with us!
Summer CONNECT: We are looking forward to this Wednesday, June 27th. “Glitter and Glue” night will have creation stations, including a great “make and eat” snack! If you would like to help the kids create, please let Linda B. know. Invite friends of all ages!
Prayers for Missions: We have Linn, Rick H.(leaving 7/1) and the Houston Clean up group (leaving on July 7) for whom to be praying! The Alger, MI people prepare to leave on July 26 also.
Basketball Camp is once again upon us, July 16-19. Please pray for safety and fun in the Son. There are many needs besides participation; just ask Bronwyn S.. Thank you!
IF YOU REGISTERED for the August Family Camp Trip, would you please indicate your name and how many are coming with you on the yellow sheet in the Family Life Center. It will help us to know how best to prepare. Thanks
FLOWERS: July 1,8,15,and 22 are all open on the Flower Calendar!
Children and Worship. Please note that there is no more Sunday School, so please gather your children right after church ends!
Siloam Christian Church They will be hosting a large celebration on Saturday, July 7th. Just be aware that they will be throughout the day.