June 3, 2018

The Approach to God

Pre-Service Music     

Invitation to Worship

*Song                                Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee   -Beethoven/VanDyke 

*Congregational Greeting

Prayer of Confession

Words of Assurance and Law of God 

  (Children age 3-2nd grade released to Children & Worship)

 The Word of God

*Songs                                    Let it Rise/Not to Us           -Davis/Tomlin-Reeves

Scripture                                     Mark 13: 32-37

Message                                   “The Door Keeper” 

                                                       Pastor Rich

Prayer for Blessing

The Response to the Word

Mission of the Month


 *Doxology                  Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow        No. 382                           

Offertory Prayer 

*Song                                            Watch and Pray                                      -Paris



Please Join us in Praying for:

Pastor Rich, Anthony, and Immanuel leadership and ministry teams

Members traveling this Summer

Members with Health Concerns:

Vicki B.,  Mark B.,  Howard C. , Sandy F.

Carol G.,  Andre H., Roland H. and other Parkinson's Sufferers,  Marcia J.,

Eleanor N., Sandy C.

 Michael S. (Ashlee W. Uncle) –Cancer/Salvation!

Save the Date

SUMMER CONNECT, 6:30 p.m. – June 27, July 25, August 22

Houston Mission Trip – July 7-14

Alger, MI Mission Trip – July 26-29

All Church Campout in the U.P. – August 4-11

Church Picnic – August 26


June Calling Team: You may call Jennifer B. and Michelle C. with any special needs.

Flowers for church are provided by the Ernsts in celebration of Alaina's birthday!

June Mission of the Month:  Christian Radio is a blessing to which we can tune.  On our FM Dial we have SMILE 88.1, SHINE 95.3, Family Life Radio 99.9. On the AM Dial 1390 (GREAT Quartet time on Saturday morning), and 1580.  If you know of others, please share them with us.  We all need to take advantage of these resources!

Children and Worship.  Please note that there is no more Sunday School, so please gather your children right after church ends!

Congregational Meeting:  TODAY  is our annual update on the life and ministry of Immanuel.  We will also be considering Julie Lewis and Kerri Miller for Deacons, and Marcia Jackson and Sue Feenstra for Elder.  Please be in prayer for this meeting and these people so that we will clearly hear God’s leading for our ministry in Lansing. 

Video presentation:  Tod VanWieren has composed a presentation for the potluck before the congregational meeting. Come and see what God has done at Immanuel!

 Missions:  There are some needs for one of our summer mission sites in Alger, MI.  They need to get Life Jackets, youth, adult and X-large for the Mission Site; also they are in need of a gently used fridge.   Please call Cecile and Liz S. if you can help!

Summer CONNECT:  OK, we are looking forward to our next get together on Wednesday June 27th.  It is “glitter and glue” night, with creation stations, including a great “make and eat” snack!  Start inviting friends.  All ages are invited.

Siloam Christian Church They are on the sign now!  Please pray for their dynamic work in Lansing and that some will see their name and attend!

COMING FAST:  Check out uplogcabin.com for the August Family Camp Trip and register your spot with this SUMMER phone number 906-586-9732.

Gospel Festival 2018 is taking place in Potterville on June 8-9 starting at 11 a.m. each day. There will be 18 bands providing gospel and contemporary Christian rock music as well as children’s games.  More information is available on their Facebook page.