“H e I s R i s e n I n d e e d! HalleluJah!”
Pre-Service Music Was it a Morning LIke This?/Christ the Lord is Risen Today
Invitation to Worship
Easter Reading Mark 16: 1-8
*Song Christ the Lord is Risen Today - Wesley
No. 289
(Children remain in Worship)
Skit/Song "Were You There?"/Agnus Dei
The Word of God
*Song Christ Arose -Lowry
No. 298
Scripture Mark 16:9-11
Message “I Know He's Alive Because I've Seen Him”
Pastor Rich
Prayer for Blessing
Adult Choir Celebrate Jesus Christ -Fettke
The Response to the Word
Offering He Is Exalted/Great is the Lord
*Doxology Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow No. 382
Offertory Prayer
*Song How Can I Keep From Singing Your Praise
Postlude Hallelujah Chorus -Handel
Please Join us in Praying for:
Mission of the Month: Sunny Crest Youth Ranch
Pastor Rich, Staff, and Immanuel leadership and ministry teams
Members with Health Concerns:
Vicki B., Howard J. C. , Sandy F., Carol G., Sandy C.
Andre H. (6 yr old with Christine L.), Roland H., Marcia J., Eleanor N., Sandi S
Linda H. – Praise God for some relief
Michael S. (Ashlee. W. Uncle) – Weakness from Cancer
Save these Dates:
CONNECT Indy Races - April 25
CONNECT Kids – May 23
Rummage Sale – Saturday, May 5
Houston Mission Trip – July 7-14
Alger, MI Mission Trip – July 26-29
All Church Campout – August 4-11
Church Picnic – August 26
April Consistory Calling Team: If you need assistance in any way, please call either Tod VW. or Brian W. Thank you to all who minister along with Pastor and Anthony!
Flowers for church: Thank you to the Fritzlers, Steiners, Ernsts, TerHaars, Farnums and Luceros for contributing the Easter Lily beauty to our sanctuary this morning.
Thank you! David H. and Don F. have put in so much extra time over the last few months with Palm Sunday and Easter music rehearsals. If you have been blessed by their gifts shared here, please let them know that in some way. Thanks!
40 Days of Prayer: participant books will be available to be picked up next Sunday, Easter. A table will be set up in the Family Life Center with the books arranged by the day of the week. Check the day of your group’s meeting to get your book.
Mission Trip Meeting: After Sunday School and Bible Class on April 8 & 22, Anthony will hold a meeting for the upcoming mission trip details.
TWEEN Moms: Check out www.secretkeepergirl.com It will be a time to remember!
CONNECT this Weds. … and then none on the 4th for Spring Break. We resume on Weds., 11th, Dinner is at 5:30, with Children's, Jr. High activities following. The Sr. High youth are meeting also, instead of Sundays. The CHILDREN AT THE TABLE class will begin on Weds., April 11. CHOIR is off for the month of April.
April Mission of the Month: NEXT WEEK we will have a speaker from Sunny Crest Youth Ranch (sunnycrestyouthranch.org). Please check out their powerful story.
Van F. Family: Please pray for Geri, Janine and their families as they mourn the loss of Geri’s son, Bruce, from complications following heart surgery. Geri’s address is in the back of our directory is you want to send a card.
FELLOWSHIP: Check out the site for the August Family Camp Trip and register your spot with this WINTER phone number (785-220-4913). It looks like a beautiful spot! Take advantage of these times to get to know your ICRC family!
Siloam Christian Church is so grateful to have a place of worship and prayer. This is truly a ministry of God to the Kingdom of our Lord.