October 21, 2018

The Approach to God

Pre-Service Music 

Invitation to Worship

*Songs                            Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee                       -Beethoven

*Congregational Greeting

Responsive Prayer of Confession

Words of Assurance and Law of God 

Kids Praise

(Children age 3-2nd grade released to Children & Worship)


                                     The Word of God

*Song                              The God of Abraham Praise!            -Mann/ Landsberg

                                               Holy is the Lord                               –Chris Tomlin


Scripture                                       Exodus 33: 12-33

Message                               “On Seeing His Backside”

                                                      Pastor Rich

Prayer for Blessing


             The Response to the Word


Mission of the Month Offering Received                                  

 *Doxology                  Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow        No. 382

Offertory Prayer 

*Song                                         Ancient of Days                          -Sadler/ Harvill






*Those that are able are invited to stand.   Hymns projected by permission of CCLI #95502





October Calling Team:  Please call Marcia J and Jennifer B with any special concerns or requests.


Flowers are provided by: Kathe L in memory of Randy L birthday.


October Mission of the Month: “No Senior Without a Christmas”- Today is the Mission of the Month offering! Please find it in your hearts to give to this worthy cause! We also have a collection box outside of the sanctuary still for bottles of shampoo. Thank you to all who have donated so far!


CONNECT: There will be no CONNECT this week. Instead, please join us for the Pumpkin Carnival! This is for preschool aged children through elementary school. There will be free games, treats, and lots of fun! Have the kids wear their costumes!


Rick and Jackie H will present their travels to Uganda this afternoon at 4:30 pm. Please come and join Rick and Jackie to see how much more there is to know about Uganda! Refreshments will follow!


Thanksgiving Basket Donations:  We will be working with Christian Services again this year to provide Thanksgiving baskets for the needy. There is a signup sheet in the Family Life Center for donations. The cost of each basket is $40. When you sign up, please designate how many baskets you would like to pay for.




1.      The paper folding machine, that folds the weekly bulletin, was taking one-   page-of-paper-at-a-time: very time consuming. The machine was serviced and now accepts a stack of paper as designed.

2.      The two floor cleaning machines have stopped working. Attempts by staff to restore their function have failed. Both machines will be sent out for service.

3.      The pew cushions have received their first ever professional cleaning and stain resistant treatment.

4.      The office copy machine has been replaced due to aging machine failure.

5.      The parking lot resurfacing has been completed.


Siloam Christian Church Please pray for their ministry to continue growing!