Sunday, January 26, 2025

What is the Gospel? What is meant by the Kingdom of Heaven? In this new sermon series, we will look at what makes the Gospel good news and what the reality of the Kingdom of Heaven means for us.

As we explore what Jesus meant when He proclaimed that the Kingdom of Heaven has come near, we will see how the reality of the Kingdom is 3-dimensional. It is the forward-back, upside-down, and inside-out good news of God’s saving work in Christ, and in this series, we will look at how the 3-dimensional reality of the Kingdom shapes our church’s mission and values. The Gospel of Jesus and His Kingdom we will see, reaches each of u personally, but it is not a private matter.

Join us as we seek to see the Gospel in 3D and how the good news of Jesus and His Kingdom shapes our mission and values.

Today’s Worship

Grace Flows

In Christ Alone

Jesus Paid It All 


Matthew 15:1-20


Lord's Prayer


January Mission of the Month: Lansing Christian Services is a central location where the needs of families can be heard, verified, and then referred to churches with the appropriate resources. Christian Services offers churches the opportunity to avoid duplication of services ensuring that benevolence funds are used effectively, and they help to provide church leadership with tools to mobilize church members in serving others.

New Members' Class: If you are interested in learning more about Immanual, please join us in the Morningside Room, after the service today. The Morningside Room is located down the stairs, through the glass doors, the first room on your right.

CONNECT this Wednesday, January 29: We will be serving hot dogs, mac n cheese, salad, and dessert for dinner, at 5:30 pm. After dinner the CONNECT Kids and the Jr. & Sr. High youth groups will meet.

Super Bowl Sub Sale: We are taking orders now through January 30th. Please place your order on our website ( under the “Signups” tab. Proceeds go to our 2025 summer mission trip. Please pick up your subs on Sunday, February 9th, after the service. Payment is due at that time.

Touchdown Deluxe: $6 Each or 10 for $50

Ham, Salami, Provolone, and American Cheese.

Kickoff Special: $5 Each or 10 for $45

Double Ham and Provolone Cheese

Mobile Food Bank: We will have another mobile food bank here at Immanuel on Saturday, February 1st, from 9-11 am. If you would like to help sort and put food into cars, please sign up via our website.

Neighbor Questions: Next Sunday, February 2nd is the last day to turn in your Neighbor Questions. Please place completed forms in the box labeled “Neighbor Questions”, underneath the mailboxes located outside of the sanctuary.

Seeing Jesus Together Check-In Meeting: We will have a check-in meeting for those who have been doing the “Seeing Jesus Together” journals, after the worship service on Sunday, February 9th, to see how it’s been going. If you have been working on this journal, please join us in the Morningside room at that time. If you would like to purchase a journal for yourself or for somebody else, we do have 6 left. The cost is $15.

Save the Dates:

2/04- Deacon’s Meeting, 6 pm

2/04- Elder’s Meeting, 6:30 pm

2/04- Consistory Meeting, 7:30 pm

2/05- CONNECT Wednesday, 5:30 pm

2/09- Worship, 10 am

2/09- “Seeing Jesus Together” Check in Meeting, 11:15 am

2/11- Afternoon Life Group, 2:30 pm

2/11- Men’s Study, 7:00 pm



The offering plate is located at the front of the sanctuary. You may also submit an offering online at

Local Needs:

Personal Needs Closet: Provides personal hygiene items and cleaning supplies to families in need. We currently need laundry soap or pods, women’s shampoo & conditioner, bleach, and All-purpose cleaners. Please place donations in the baskets under the mailboxes outside of the sanctuary.

CONNECT Wednesdays

CONNECT Dinner – 5:30 pm.

A free meal for the whole family  

Connect Kids - 6:15-7:00 pm.

3 Yrs. Old-5th Grade

They will learn about Jesus, sing songs, read bible stories, do arts and crafts, play games, and more! 

Jr. High Youth - 6:15- 7:30pm.

6th- 8th Grade 

Sr. High Youth- 7:00-9:00 pm

9th-12th Grade

Calling Team Assignments:

In an effort to offer more personalized care to our church members, we have divided each member into smaller groups with one Elder and one Deacon as a resource and contact person. If you need prayer or have a question or concern, please call the Elder or Deacon that you are assigned to according to your last name.

Last Name A-D

Elder Janet V

Deacon Fred H

Last Name E-H

Elder Bruce T

Deacon Sally K

Last Name J-P

Elder Dave S

Deacon Kerri Mi

Last Name R-W

Elder Matt O

Deacon Nate E

Your Leaders are so thankful for your fervent prayers:

Thank you for praying for the ICRC staff and ministry team leaders.

 Friends with Health Concerns

Mark B, June B, John B, David C, Joe C, Howard J. C, Don F, Sandy F, Nancy F, John F, Carol G

Kathy G, Roland H, Emily J, Barb K, Dianne K, Dave N, Yvonne N, Marcia N, and Wayne S.

Prayer Requests

Prayer Chain:

You may also submit requests via our “Prayer Box”, located near the mailboxes outside of the sanctuary, you can call and talk to Stacia, our church secretary, or you may reach out to Marcia J, the leader of our prayer team directly. 

If you would like to become a part of the ICRC Prayer Chain, please sign up on the “Bulletin Board” tab via our website.