As we read through the Minor Prophets this summer, we will see that the main problem they are plagued with is the problem of identity amnesia. They forget who they are as God's people, and where they are in God's promised land. In short, they lose the plot to the story. They forget who they are and where they are in God's Story, and as a result, they turn to two common forms of sin: idolatry and injustice. They worship the wrong things, they wrong others, and in all of this, they betray God's covenant. Yet, God's faithfulness perseveres and calls them back to be the people He has called them to be.
In this series we will explore how God's redemptive story continues despite the corruption of our sin and the chaos of our world.
Today’s Worship
Heart of Worship
In Christ Alone
Nahum 1:1-8
"An Angry God: The Hope of the Universe."
Those Who Trust
August Mission of the Month: The Judson’s Love Clothing Center is open on scheduled Saturdays throughout the year to help provide clothing for school-aged children. Judson’s serves an average of 30 families each month except for August and September where nearly 200 families are scheduled and approximately 450 children receive back-to-school clothing! For a referral, please call Christian Services at (517) 394-5411.
Back-to-School Carnival: Immanuel, in partnership with Jus Us Kidz Childcare, will be hosting a “Back-to-School Carnival this Wednesday, August 14th. We will start dinner at 5:30 pm. We will be serving hot dogs, chips, salad, and an ice cream bar with toppings for dessert. The carnival will start at 6:00 pm. There will be games to play, a bounce house, balloons, popcorn, and an opportunity for each child that attends to receive a bag of school supplies and more! Please plan on joining us that evening for a great time with the kids, and an opportunity to take home some much needed supplies before school starts in the fall!
Back-to-School Carnival Volunteers: We will need help with set up before the carnival, check-ins, serving dinner, clean-up after dinner, running the games, making popcorn, watching the bounce house, handing out school supplies, and cleaning up after the event. If you would like to volunteer to serve at this event, please sign up on the Bulletin Board tab via our website, or in the Church Center App. Please note that the signup sheet is a general one. Jobs will be assigned to you when you arrive. Please plan on arriving about an hour early if you are able.
Filling Bags after the Service Today: We will be filling 100 bags with school supplies after the service today. If you would like to help with this, please come to Morningside Room, the first room on your right after you exit the sanctuary and go down the stairs.
New Elders and Deacons: Please look forward to the ordination and installation of our new Elder, Bruce T, and Deacon, Nate E, during the service on Sunday, August 25th. Let’s also thank God for His work through Harold S who will be rotating off from the Elders, and for Jessi F who will be rotating off from the Deacons.
Mobile Food Bank: We will host another Mobile Food Bank here in the parking lot on September 7th, from 9-11 am. If you would like to help sort and put food into cars, please sign up on the “Bulletin Board” tab via our website, or in the Church Center App.
Are you interested in joining the Immanuel Community: There will be a New Members' Class in the Morningside room, following the worship service, on Sunday, September 29th. All who are interested in learning more about Immanuel Community Reformed Church are encouraged to attend.
Roof Update: The consistory has decided on a path forward regarding our need to reroof the church building. We have chosen the bid of a reputable company whose bid is $104,959. This project will significantly deplete our building fund which will be needed for further repairs and future projects. If you feel led to support this project and our ongoing building remodeling needs, we ask you to prayerfully consider giving to the building fund.
Upcoming at Immanuel: This Fall, there will be a number of discipleship and spiritual formation opportunities.
The first is encouragement to participate in our small group ministry by finding a Life Group to be a part of or forming a new group if you would like. There will be an informational meeting about leading a Life Group on Sunday, September 8th following the worship service in the Morningside Room. All who are interested in or currently leading a Life Group are encouraged to attend.
Secondly, a daily scripture reading, and prayer journal called, “Seeing Jesus Together”, will be available for purchase. This journal is designed to be a tool to help encourage the practice of daily Scripture reading as well as spiritual growth through prayer and journaling. The journals are designed to encourage growth through intentional times of solitude, communal fellowship, and transformative worship. If you are interested in learning more there will be an introduction to the journals offered in the Morningside room on Sunday, September 22nd following the worship service.
Last but not least during our Wednesday night activities there will be a class offered for adults using the video series Practicing the Way. This series is led by John Mark Comer and will teach participants how to engage with various spiritual practices as well as live a rhythm of practices that works for them through helping each participant craft their unique rule of life. This class will begin on Wednesday, September 11th at 6:30 pm.
The offering plate is located at the front of the sanctuary. You may also submit an offering online at
Local Needs:
Personal Needs Closet: Provides personal hygiene items and cleaning supplies to families in need. We are currently in need of shampoo & conditioner, bar soap, tampons, paper towels, and toilet paper. Please place donations in the baskets under the mailboxes outside of the sanctuary. If you are in need of help, please call Christian Services at (517) 394-5411.
Calling Team Assignments:
In an effort to offer more personalized care to our church members, we have divided each member into smaller groups with one Elder and one Deacon as a resource and contact person. If you need prayer or have a question or concern, please call the Elder or Deacon that you are assigned to according to your last name.
Last Name A-D
Elder Janet V
Deacon Fred H
Last Name E-H
Elder Harold S
Deacon Sally K
Last Name J-P
Elder Dave S
Deacon Kerri Mi
Last Name R-W
Elder Matt O
Deacon Jessi F
Your Leaders are so thankful for your fervent prayers:
Thank you for praying for the ICRC staff and ministry team leaders.
Friends with Health Concerns
Mark B, June B, John B, David C, Joe C, Howard J. C, Don F, Sandy F, Nancy F, John F, Carol G
Kathy G, Roland H, Emily J, Barb K, Dianne K, Dave N, Yvonne N, Marcia N, and Wayne S.
Prayer Requests
Prayer Chain:
You may also submit requests via our “Prayer Box”, located near the mailboxes outside of the sanctuary, you can call and talk to Stacia, our church secretary, or you may reach out to Marcia J, the leader of our prayer team directly.
If you would like to become a part of the ICRC Prayer Chain, please sign up on the “Bulletin Board” tab via our website.
Save the Dates:
8/25- Installation of New Elder & Deacon during the service, 10:00 am
8/27- Afternoon Life Group, 2:30 pm
8/27- Men’s Study, 7:00 pm
9/01- No Nursery/ No C&W
9/03- Deacon’s Meeting, 6:00 pm
9/03- Elder’s Meeting, 6:30 pm
9/03- Consistory Meeting, 7:30 pm
9/07- Leadership Training, 9:00 am
9/07- Mobile Food Bank, 9-11 am
9/08- Worship/ Communion, 10:00am
9/08- Life Group Informational Meeting, 11:15am
9/10- Afternoon Life Group, 2:30 pm
9/10- Men’s Study, 7:00 pm
9/11- CONNECT Wednesday, 5:30 pm
9/11- “Practicing the Way” Class, 6:30pm (Morningside Room )