The word stewardship means, "The careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one's care." As Christians we are to recognize that we are stewards of all that God has entrusted to us. We are not creators, and we are not to be consumers, we are stewards. Everything from our children, our money, and even our lives are gifts that God has entrusted to us. In this new summer series, we will be exploring what it looks like for us to be good and faithful stewards of our time, talents, and treasures.
In the first half of the series, we will look at what it means to be good and faithful stewards of our lives, money, and technology. In the second half, we will look at various spiritual practices such as sabbath keeping, scripture reading, meditation, and prayer, that will help us grow as good and faithful stewards.
Today’s Worship
Power of Your Love
Matthew 25:34-40
“I See You” - The Practice of
Radical Hospitality
(Rev. Andrea DeWard)
Those Who Trust
August Calling Team: Please call Sue F or Jessi F with any special concerns or requests.
August Mission of the Month: The Judson’s Love Clothing Center is open on scheduled Saturdays throughout the year to help provide clothing for school-aged children. Judson’s serves an average of 30 families each month except for August and September where nearly 200 families are scheduled and approximately 450 children receive back to school clothing! For a referral, please call Christian Services at (517) 394-5411.
Flowers Provided By: Jennifer B in celebration of her mom, Carrie B’s birthday last Saturday, July 29th. “My momma is my rock and best friend, my biggest supporter and cheerleader!” “There aren’t enough words or time to express my love and appreciation for all she is and does for us.” “God truly blessed me with an amazing momma!”
Thank You from June B: "Many thanks for all of the cards and prayers." "Thank you to Pastor Matt and all of my visitors while I was at Rehab, each of you brightened my day." "I feel so blessed to have such a caring and loving church family." ~ June
We Will be Resurfacing the Parking Lot this Month: The project will include some sidewalk repair, milling two inches of asphalt from the current surface, and reapplying two inches of asphalt. While our Building fund has the money to pay for this project, we know that we have some additional capital projects in the future including the floor repair in the Family Life Center and new roofing. To allow our Building fund to stay at a level that allows us to continue maintenance repairs as needed in our church and our parsonage, we are inviting you to prayerfully consider contributing a special offering to our Building fund. You may do so through your weekly Building fund tithe envelope, or a plain envelope with your tithe number and "Parking Lot" written on it. Thank you for your consideration. ~ Your consistory
Mobile Food Bank: We are hosting another Mobile Food Bank here in the parking lot this Saturday, August 12, from 9-11 am. If you would like to help sort and put food into cars, please sign up by visiting our website at, and then click on the “Bulletin Board” tab. Volunteers are welcome and encouraged to arrive early to help set up.
Sundae on Sunday Storytelling, Sunday, August 20th at 3:00 pm.: You are invited to share your stories about what drew you to Immanuel and what makes Immanuel special to you. We will have ice cream and a full sundae bar to enjoy as we gather around tables in the Family Life Center to share stories with each other. Please RSVP on the “Bulletin Board” at
CONNECT “Back to School” Carnival Wednesday, August 23, from 5-6:30 pm: We are excited to host a “Back to School” carnival during Cumberland Elementary School’s Family Fun Night. The kids will receive a passport when they arrive, and a stamp on their passport for each carnival game that they play. When their passports are full, they will win a free backpack full of school supplies! There will also be food trucks there with a portion of the proceeds going back to the school, so come hungry and bring the kids ready to play! Cumberland is located at 2801 Cumberland Rd., in Lansing MI. This event is for all children, not just Cumberland students.
Carnival Prep Night August 16th, 5:30-7:00 pm: We will be stuffing backpacks and doing early game prep. If you are able to help with this, please come to the church at this time and join us in the Choir room.
Volunteers Needed: Volunteers are needed to help set up and run the games during the carnival. If you are interested in volunteering for this event, please sign up on the “Bulletin Board” tab via our website at
Donations Needed for Backpacks: Please place donations in the tub labeled “School Supplies” located underneath the mailboxes just outside of the sanctuary. The deadline for donations is next Sunday, August 13th.
§ Wide ruled spiral notebooks
§ 1 inch 3 ring binders
§ Heavy duty or plastic folders
§ Pencil boxes, pencil pouches, pencils, pens, and highlighters.
§ Eraser caps, BIG erasers
§ Crayons, colored pencils, markers
§ Glue sticks
§ Scissors
§ Pencil sharpeners
To support the ongoing ministry of Immanuel, please place your offering in one of the offering plates at the front of the sanctuary. You may also submit an offering online at
Local Needs:
Immanuel partners with Lansing Christian Services to provide personal hygiene items and household cleaning supplies to families in need right here in the community that surrounds Immanuel. This ongoing ministry is currently in need of All Purpose Cleaners, bleach, paper towel. Please place donations in the baskets underneath the mailboxes located outside of the sanctuary. If you are in need of help, please call Christian Services at (517) 394-5411.
Back to School Carnival
August 23, 5-6:30 pm
Join us for a “Back to School” Carnival at Cumberland Elementary School located at 2801 Cumberland Rd. in Lansing MI.
The kids will have the opportunity to play games and win a free backpack full of school supplies! There will also be food trucks there with a portion of the proceeds going back to the school, so come hungry and bring the kids ready to play!
Life Groups
We have several Life Group options for adults. Our Life Groups get together to grow in their faith, pray together, serve together, and support one another. If you are interested in joining a Life Group, please email Bruce T at
Your Leaders are so thankful for your fervent prayers:
Thank you for praying for the ICRC staff and ministry team leaders
Friends with Health Concerns
Mark B, June B, John B,
Joe C, Howard J. C, Don F, Sandy F, John F, Carol G,
Kathy G, Roland H, Barb K, Jack N, Marcia N, Dave N, Yvonne N,
Wayne S, and Sandi S.
If you are in need of meals, or if you are willing to provide meals when needed,
please contact Kerri M.