Our focus in this series, “Newness of Life” is on how the resurrection informs us and comforts us in seasons of change. We will see how the resurrection shows change to be necessary, natural, and not without purpose.
This morning we will be looking at 1 Corinthians 15: 1-22 to see that the resurrection of Jesus is not just a story that we read about and believe in, but a lens through which we see our lives in this world. If the resurrection of Jesus is false then it changes nothing, but if it is true, it changes everything.
Today’s Worship
Sing to the King
All of Creation
Worthy, Worthy
"This Changes Everything”
1 Corinthians 15: 1-22
To support the ongoing ministry of Immanuel, please place your offering in one of the offering plates at the front of the sanctuary. You may also submit an offering online at www.icrclansing.org.
Local Needs:
Tuesday, 4/26, from 4-7 pm.: The Greater Lansing Food Bank is hosting a Mobile Food Bank here at ICRC. Thank you to all volunteers who signed up to help out with this event.
Immanuel Community Resource Closet Currently Needs: shampoo, conditioner, dish soap, and men and women’s shaving cream. Please place donations in the baskets underneath the mailboxes outside of the sanctuary.
April Calling Team: Please call Sue F or Carrie B with any special concerns or requests.
April Mission of the Month: Immanuel Community Resource Closet. Immanuel partners with Lansing Christian Services to provide personal hygiene items and household cleaning supplies to families in need. Please place donations in the baskets provided outside of the sanctuary, or you may make a monetary donation by placing it in one of the offering plates. Please write “Personal Needs” on your check or envelope.
Homeless Angels: The staff at Homeless Angels work hard to place families in forever homes. When the families leave the shelter for their new homes, they have been giving a handmade quilt from other charities. We would like to start making twin size quilts for the children. It will be a big job because some families have many children, so what we are asking of you is your time and talents to help us sew quilt pieces together. This can be done at your home, in your own time. We will then put them together and tie them here at the church. Please call Vivienne M, or Carol C, if you are interested in sewing pieces together. We will let you know at a later date when we will be tying and putting them together.
CONNECT this Wednesday, April 27: Dinner is served in the Family Life Center at 5:30pm. We will be having pizza, salad, and dessert. The CONNECT Kids meet after dinner at 6:15. This week they will learn about how God used clay and how we use clay. It might be a messy night! You won't want to miss this adventure!
Rummage Sale Donations: Due to limited storage space, we are asking that all donations for the rummage sale be delivered to the Family Life Center (Gym) on Friday, May 6th, between the hours of 12-6pm. Please see the bulletin insert for a list of items that we can and cannot accept.
Youth Group Rummage Sale Fundraiser, Saturday May 7th from 10am-2pm: Come do a little shopping here in our Family Life Center and find some hidden treasures! The profits from this sale will help support our youth group activities and summer mission trips.
Nominees for Consistory: One new Elder and two new Deacons will be chosen during the Congregational Meeting after the service on Sunday, June 12. Bruce T and Janet V have been nominated for the Elders. Kerri M, Fred H, and Jessi F have been nominated for the Deacons.
We begin with a meal that the whole family can participate in at 5:30 pm.
Children Ages 3 yrs.-5th Grade
Meet after dinner at 6:15 pm., to learn about Jesus in a fun and safe environment. They will enjoy singing, Bible, stories, arts and crafts, games, and more.
Jr. & Sr. High Youth Group
(6th- 12th grade, Sept- May)
5:30- 8pm. For more information, please contact Joey S. at jrsouth16@yahoo.com.
Life Groups
We have several Life Group options for adults. Our Life Groups get together to grow in their faith, pray together, serve together, and support one another. If you are interested in joining a Life Group, please email Rick H at rick4944@live.com.
Your Leaders are so thankful for your fervent prayers:
Thank you for praying for the ICRC staff and ministry team leaders
Friends with Health Concerns
Mark B, June B, John B,
Joe C, Howard J. C, Sandy F, John F, Carol G,
Kathy G, Roland H, Lon H, Barb K, Wayne K,
Marcia N, Wayne S, and Sandi S
If you are in need of meals, or if you are willing to provide meals when needed,
please contact Kerri M.
Save the Dates
5/02- Spiritual Growth Meeting, 6:30 pm.
5/03- Consistory Meeting, 6:30 pm.
5/04- CONNECT, 5:30 pm.
5/04- Jr. & Sr. High Youth Group, 5:30 pm.
5/04- Fellowship Team Meeting, 6:30 pm.
5/06- Rummage Sale Donations, 12-6 pm.
5/07- Rummage Sale, 10 am- 2 pm.
5/08- Communion Worship, 10 am
5/10- Men’s Study, 7 pm.