“Greetings from all of us at Immanuel”
In our busy lives it is so easy to become consumers of Jesus and His Gospel message. We come to church when we can and when we want to. We sit in the pews or stream the worship service as customers consuming church as just another product that we enjoy, but Jesus desires more for His followers. Jesus desires for the life transformation of His grace to lead us to be not just consumers of His grace, but cultivators of His grace in our everyday lives. In what we give our time to and through the priorities which shape our lives, Christ calls us to be His cultivators in this world.
In this series, using the book “Surprise the World!” written by Michael Frost as a supplement, we are looking at the 5 habits we must seek to live with as cultivators of Christ's work in the world. Today we look at Luke 19:1-10 to see how Christ can use our mealtimes to further the work of His grace in the lives of others.
The Approach to God
Pre-Service Music They’ll Know We Are Christians by Our Love -Scholtes
Reach Out and Touch -Brown
What a Friend We Have in Jesus -Converse
*Songs Those Who Trust -Chaffer
I Will Offer Up My Life -Redman
Prayer of Confession
Words of Assurance and Law of God
Kids Message
The Word of God
*Song Hungry -Scott
Scripture: Luke 19:1-10
Message “Feeding Others in Body and Soul”
Pastor Matt
Prayer for Blessing
The Response to the Word
Moment for Ministry
*Song Today -Doerksen/Gage
The ongoing ministry of the church relies on the generous giving of its members. At this time, we will not be passing the offering plates during the service. Please place your offering in the basket provided.
*Songs used by permission of CCLI #95502
September Calling Team: Please call Mike J or Carrie B with any special concerns or requests.
September Mission of the Month: No Senior Without Christmas: TRIAD will be filling 400 boxes with household supplies, non-perishable food, and holiday cheer to be delivered by law enforcement and fire personnel, to needy, older adults living in the tri-county region of Ingham, Eaton, and Clinton counties.
Flowers Provided By: Dean and Marcia Jackson.
CONNECT This Wednesday, September 29: You are invited to join us each week on Wednesday Evenings for a free family meal beginning at 5:30 pm, and a lesson plan and activities to follow for the kids! The CONNECT Kids theme for September through December is Superheroes. Last week the kids learned how to be a good Samaritan and to help those in need. We also provide opportunities for the kids to play games, do crafts, and earn awards, so bring the family, invite your friends and neighbors, and join in the fun!
Dave and the Kids Would Like to Thank You for Your Support, Cards and Prayers As We Are Coming to Grips With the Passing of Jodi: Also, thank you all who helped out at the memorial service and luncheon. We are very pleased with how everything went.
Thank You So Much for the Continued Prayers: Our church family is truly a blessing to us.~ Mark and June.
Thanksgiving Baskets: We will provide Thanksgiving baskets once again to families in need this year. The cost of each basket is $40 and will include the following items: Turkey, Stuffing, vegetables, potatoes, rolls, pie, and more. If you would like to purchase a basket for a family, please sign-up on the bulletin board just outside of the sanctuary by Sunday, October 3. Payments will be due at that time. You may place your payment in the collection plate during the Sunday service times, if paying by check, please write “Thanksgiving Baskets” in the Memo line.
Join Us After the Service on Sunday, October 10, for ICRC’s CROP Hunger Walk: We will be walking right here in the neighborhood that surrounds us as we continue to fight against the challenges of disease, disaster, displacement, and other concerns that leave people hungry. If you would like to walk or rock for CROP that day, please sign up on the bulletin board just outside of the sanctuary. You may raise money for CROP by asking your friends, family, co-workers, and neighbors to support your walk with a donation. To get a donation envelope, please see Marcia J. CROP will also be our Mission of the Month for October.
You are Invited to a Bonfire Here at ICRC, Friday, October 15, from 7-9 pm.: We look forward to a great time singing songs, roasting marshmallows for smores, and enjoying fellowship with our church family around the fire! Please bring your own chairs or a blanket to sit on. Hope to see you here!
Handyman Service Ministry- We have stepped out in faith and introduced a new “Handyman” service to our community provided by the members of ICRC. So far we have offered the following services:
Repairs done around the house
Repairs to equipment
Yard clean up
If you are particularly skilled in one of these areas, or in an area that we have not listed here and would be willing to be added to our list of people to call when somebody is in need, please write your name down, on the “Handyman” sign-up sheet that is located on the bulletin board just outside of the sanctuary. If you would like to know more about this ministry, please contact Viv M from the Outreach Team. Thank you.
Your Leaders are so thankful for your fervent prayers:
Staff: Pastor Matt L, Joey S, Ashlee W, Emily W, Stacia W
Consistory: Carrie B, Sandy C, Eric C, Sue F, Rick H, Mike J, Harold S., Liz S, and our ministry teams
Prayers for RCA Missionaries- Denise Kingdom Grier, Africa
There are thousands of children in Botshabelo, Africa who do not have a family that can support them. Denise works to keep vulnerable children in their own homes and to place orphans into loving foster or adoptive families. Denise also works with the Setshabelo Family and Child Services staff to raise awareness about family-based care and to establish family and child support ministries with area churches. Please pray for Denise’s ministry to continue and for the children of Botshabelo.
To hear more prayer requests from ICRC, please call 321-2495, extension 191, or if you have a personal prayer request, please contact Marcia J. You may also submit a prayer request on our website at www.icrclansing.org.
Friends with Health Concerns
Shelby A, Mark and June B, John B, Joe C
Howard C, Sandy F, John F, Carol G,
Kathy G, Roland H, and other Parkinson’s sufferers,
Lon H, Marcia N, and Sandi S
for continued healing.
Save the Dates
October 6- CONNECT, 5:30 pm.
October 10- CROP Hunger Walk, 11:15 am.
October 12- Men’s Study, 7:00 pm.
October 13- CONNECT, 5:30 pm.
October 14- Prayer Team Meeting, 6:30 pm.
October 15- All Church Bonfire, 7-9 pm.
Sending prayer for our city and our neighborhoods
Written By: Lee Hardy (Reformed Worship)
Lord God, as we go to our neighborhoods now and in this coming week,
by the power and promise of Your Holy Spirit, open our ears
to hear what You are saying to us,
in the things that happen to us,
and in the people we meet.
Open our eyes
to see the needs of the people around us.
Open our hands
to do our work well, to help when help is needed.
Open our lips
to tell others the good news of Jesus
and bring comfort and laughter to other people.
Open our minds
to discover new truth about You and our world.
Open our hearts
to love You and our neighbors
as You have loved us in Jesus.
Let us go forth in the name of Christ.
Thanks be to God.