April 18, 2021

Greetings from all of us at Immanuel”

On Easter Sunday we looked at the reality of the resurrection of Jesus Christ and began to contemplate the impact of its reality on our everyday lives. Last week in hearing Jesus tell us in John 11 that He is "the Resurrection and the Life," we experienced the "living hope" we have through faith in Him.

Today we continue to explore the impact the resurrection of Jesus has on our everyday lives by looking at how it helps us deal with our fears. Through John 20:19-23 this morning we see that it is not the absence of fear that marks our Christian lives of faith in Christ, but rather it is what we do when we are faced with our fears that is the mark of a life united through faith in the risen Lord Jesus Christ.

 The Approach to God

 Pre-Service Music                  Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise                           -McKibben     

 *Song                                                  Living Hope                                                     -Wickham                                    

Prayer of Confession                     

Words of Assurance and Law of God


 The Word of God

*Songs                                                     Behold Him                                                      -Baloche

                                                             This I Believe                                       -Fielding/Crocker

 Scripture:                                               John 20:19-23          

Message                                    “The Resurrection and Our Fear”

                                                              Pastor Matt Lee

Prayer for Blessing                           

 The Response to the Word

*Song                                                   Beautiful Savior                                                       -Seiss



M.O.M. Offering Received


 The ongoing ministry of the church relies on the generous giving of its members. At this time, we will not be passing the offering plates during the service.  Instead, you may place your offerings in the plates located on the stage at the front of the sanctuary immediately following the service.

 *Songs used by permission of CCLI #95502


April Calling Team:  Please call Sue F or Julie L with any special concerns or requests.

April Mission of the Month: Camp Geneva and CranHill Ministries are both devoted to being ministries through which God transforms lives into the image of Christ through Youth Camps, Family Camping, Retreats and Adventure Experiences.

Flowers Provided By:  Julie L and family, in memory of Leroy and Beverly L; beloved parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, and great-great grandparents who are loved and missed each and every day. May the winds of Heaven blow softly and whisper in your ear, how much we love and miss you and wish that you were here.

The Resurrection and the Life Series Continues:

April 25 - The Resurrection and our Doubt. John 20:24-31.

May 2 - The Resurrection and our Shame. John 21:15-25

Pastor Matt Lee Will be Officially Welcomed and Installed as the New Lead Pastor of Immanuel Community Reformed Church TODAY at 3:00 pm.: We look forward to sharing this memorable experience with all of you, so please join us in the sanctuary to celebrate this blessed occasion.

If You Are Currently Serving On a Ministry Team, Please Join Us Here This Saturday, April 24, at 10:00 am., for a Calendar Meeting:  During this time, each team will be invited to report in and discuss what is happening with their current ministry.  They will also be asked to share their plans for the calendar year and to coordinate ways that they can work together with the other teams toward the vision of Immanuel Community Reformed Church.

Summer Camp Grants:  Although summer camps are still uncertain, we would like to announce the availability of summer camp grants in the event that they do take place. If you are interested in a receiving a grant to help pay for one of the camps, please let the church office know as soon as possible, and then we will be sure to follow up with you once we have more information.

Siloam Nepali Church: Please pray for Pastor Chandra T and the Siloam Nepali Congregation.  Please pray that those burdened by sin and discouraged by the struggles in life will be renewed by the gospel and filled with hope.

Your Leaders are so thankful for your fervent prayers:

 Staff: Pastor Matt L, Joey S, Darla L, Stacia W

Consistory: Carrie B, Sandy C, Eric C, Sue F, Rick H, Marcia J, Mike J, Julie L, and our ministry teams

Pray For our missionaries- Joshua and Nicoly Vis

Please pray for clarity of vision for Joshua, Nicoly and their partners in Israel/Palestine. Please pray that the young people in the Palestinian Christian community would find hope for the future and choose to stay in the land, and for the RCA as it seeks concrete ways for its congregations and members to be champions of peace and justice in Israel/ Palestine.

 To hear more prayer requests from ICRC, please call 321-2495, extension 191, or if you have a personal prayer request, please contact Marcia J. You may also submit a prayer request on our website at www.icrclansing.org.

 Friends with Health Concerns

                            Shelby A, Mark and June B, John B, Joe C,

 Howard C, Sandy F, John F, Carol G,

                 Kathy G, Roland H, and other Parkinson’s sufferers,

                       Lon H, Marcia N, Jim P, Marian P,

             Sandi S, and Joy V, and Pat W. for continued healing.                                                                                    

Save the Dates 

April 27- Painting with Sandi

April 27- Men’s Study

April 28- Jr. & Sr. High Youth Group

                     May 4- Consistory Meeting

                                      May 5- Jr. & Sr. High Youth Group

              May 9- Mother’s Day, Communion