March 21, 2021

Greetings from all of us at Immanuel”

Pastor Matt Lee will be leading our study today in John 15: 18-25, teaching us that in spite of the world’s hatred, we should testify to the world of the truth about Jesus Christ.

At Immanuel Community Reformed Church, Our Mission is: “Going into the community, imitating Christ, by feeding body and soul”. 

Our 4 core values are:  nurturing children and youth, doing acts of service, responding to real needs in the community, and welcoming the stranger.

Our hope is that we have established an atmosphere where all feel welcome here and are able to engage all that God is, with all that we are!

The Approach to God

Pre-Service Music                           God So Loved the World                                        -Shackley

*Songs                                     All the Way My Savior Leads Me                                    -No. 598

Responsive Prayer of Confession                     

Words of Assurance and Law of God

Congregational Greeting


 The Word of God

*Songs                                  Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley                                  -No. 217

                                                                  He Is Lord                                                     -No. 234

Scripture:                                              John 15:18-25                    

Message                                   “Why the World Hates Christians”

                                                             Pastor Matt Lee

Prayer for Blessing                           

The Response to the Word

Moment for Ministry

*Song                                                  Anywhere with Jesus                                            -No. 594   




The ongoing ministry of the church relies on the generous giving of its members. At this time, we will not be passing the offering plates during the service.  Instead, you may place your offerings in the plates located on the stage at the front of the sanctuary immediately following the service.

 *Songs used by permission of CCLI #95502


March Calling Team:  Please call Rick H, or Sandy C with any special concerns or requests.

March Mission of the Month: The Gideons International.  We honor this mission in memory of our late member Paul Moerdyk because it was a mission very close to his heart.  The Gideons International not only leave bibles in the bedside stands of hotel rooms, but they also translate the bible into many different languages, and they radio broadcast to people who otherwise may never hear the gospel of Jesus Christ.

A Facebook Event Has Been Created for Our Upcoming Easter Service on Sunday, April 4, at 10 am:  Please take a moment to invite your family and friends to church this Easter by visiting our Facebook page and then clicking on “Share”. 

Thank You To All Who Purchased Gift Cards or Contributed Financially Towards Pastor Matt and Kim’s “Welcome to Immanuel” Gift:  We are so grateful for your generous hearts and for your help in making their arrival day a special one.  Today is the last day that we will be collecting for this special occasion.  If you would still like to contribute, please place your gift card, cash, or check in the basket located on the stage in the sanctuary.  Please also indicate the amount on the gift cards, or if you are contributing with cash or check, please indicate on it that it is for “Pastor Matt’s gift.”

We will be hosting an Easter “Trunk-or-Treat” Community Event on Wednesday, March 31, from 6-7:30 pm:  If you would like to volunteer to decorate your vehicle for this event and/ or bring a bag of candy to pass out, please email Joey South at to let him know, or you may put your name down on the sign-up sheet located on the bulletin board just outside of the sanctuary.  Please also be sure to invite your friends and family and let them know that the bunny will be here too! Masks and social distancing will be required. A Facebook Event has been created for this event for you to share as well.

Siloam Christian Church: Let us pray that Siloam will be guided by the Word, responsive to the Spirit, and open to the grace of God as they continue their ministry here at Immanuel and in the community that surrounds us. 

Your Leaders are so thankful for your fervent prayers:

 Staff: Pastor Matt L, Joey S, Darla L, Stacia W

Consistory: Carrie B, Sandy C, Eric C, Sue F, Rick H, Marcia J, Mike J, Julie L, and our ministry teams

Pray for Our Missionaries

 To hear more prayer requests from ICRC, please call 321-2495, extension 191, or if you have a personal prayer request, please contact Marcia J. You may also submit a prayer request on our website at

 Friends with Health Concerns

                            Mark and June B, John B, Joe C,

 Howard C, Sandy F, John F, Carol G,

                 Kathy G, Roland H, and other Parkinson’s sufferers,

                       Lon H, Marcia N, Jim P, Marian P,

             Sandi S, and Joy V for continued healing.                                                                                    

Save the Dates 

  March 31- Easter Trunk-or-Treat Community Event

                        April 4- Easter Sunday

                      April 6- Elder’s Meeting

           April 7- Spring Break, No Jr./ Sr. High

             April 12- Spiritual Growth Meeting