“Greetings from all of us at Immanuel”
In our busy lives it is so easy to become consumers of Jesus and His Gospel message. We come to church when we can and when we want to. We sit in the pews or stream the worship service as customers consuming church as just another product that we enjoy, but Jesus desires more for His followers. Jesus desires for the life transformation of His grace to lead us to be not just consumers of His grace, but cultivators of His grace in our everyday lives. In what we give our time to and through the priorities which shape our lives, Christ calls us to be His cultivators in this world.
In this series, using the book “Surprise the World!” written by Michael Frost as a supplement, we are looking at the 5 habits we must seek to live with as cultivators of Christ's work in the world. Today we look at Luke 10:38-42 to see how the regular habit of learning about Jesus helps us grow in our love and service to Him and for our neighbors.
The Approach to God
Pre-Service Music
*Songs I Wanna Be Washed -Spiritual
Power Of Your Love -Bullock
Prayer of Confession
Words of Assurance and Law of God
Kids Message
The Word of God
*Song Worthy, Worthy -Vertical Church Band
Scripture: Luke 10:38-42
Message “Love and Learn”
Pastor Matt
Prayer for Blessing
The Response to the Word
*Song Everywhere That I Go -Houghton
The ongoing ministry of the church relies on the generous giving of its members. At this time, we will not be passing the offering plates during the service. Please place your offering in the basket provided.
*Songs used by permission of CCLI #95502
October Calling Team: Please call Eric C or Harold S with any special concerns or requests.
October Mission of the Month: Today is the day for ICRC’s CROP Hunger Walk. We will start here at Immanuel at 10:45 am. with an announcement and a prayer, and then either head out into the neighborhood to walk or get ready to rock for CROP. There will be a tent set up at the far end of the parking lot for the "Rockers”, and for the "Walkers", please use your printed maps and the signs posted along the route with arrows to follow for direction. We will finish the service with the benediction and a prayer when we return, and then enjoy some cookies and refreshments afterwards. Thank you for joining us today to continue the fight against the challenges of disease, disaster, displacement, and other concerns that leave people hungry.
Flowers Provided By: Carrie B in celebration of her granddaughter Cora’s birthday and in remembrance of her mom, Sandy F’s birthday. Cora may God’s awesome blessings be upon you this day, and Sandy, we send birthday wishes to you in heaven, carried upon a prayer, to the place where you are now, with sweet, tender loving care.
CONNECT This Wednesday, October 13: This Wednesday, the kids will be learning about Esther, and how God has a plan for us. They will learn about never giving up, and they will be celebrating a new holiday called Purim. Join us for a family dinner beforehand at 5:30pm, and have the kids bring a friend to come join in the fun!
ICRC Bonfire Night, this Friday, October 15, from 7-9 pm.: We look forward to a great time singing songs, roasting marshmallows for smores, and enjoying fellowship with our church family around the fire! Please bring your own chairs or a blanket to sit on, and feel free to invite a friend. Hope to see you here!
Trunk-or Treat: This year we will be hosting our annual “Trunk-or-Treat” event for the community on Wednesday, October 27, from 6-7 pm. We are looking for candy donations for this event, and volunteers to decorate their vehicles and pass out candy. If you can donate candy, please drop it off to the church office, or you can give it to Joey S, and if you will be decorating your vehicle and passing out candy, please show up to the church at 5:30pm. to get a parking space and to get set-up.
Beginning Thursday, November 4, at 7:00 pm, Pastor Matt Will be Leading a Class Called “The Kinetic Gospel”: This class will help us discover how the Gospel of Jesus Christ empowers us to live as disciples of Christ. We will meet weekly on Thursday nights at 7:00 pm. for 5 sessions, taking a break the week of Thanksgiving, and finishing on Thursday, December 9. To sign-up, please email Pastor Matt, or you may sign-up on the bulletin board located just outside of the sanctuary.
Collection for Homeless Angels: The Outreach Team is taking a collection to support Homeless Angels through the month of October. Homeless Angels is a homeless shelter located at 3216 W. Main St., Lansing, MI. The items that they are in need of are listed below. Please bring them to the church by October 31. Also, we are asking for your help on that Sunday to assemble individual packages of these items. Please consider staying after the service on October 31.
Twin Size bedding X-Long
New or gently used sheets, blankets, and comforters
Laundry Soap
Full size body wash
Men’s and Women’s deodorant
Paper Plates, paper bowls, paper towels
Toilet Paper
Your Leaders are so thankful for your fervent prayers:
Staff: Pastor Matt L, Joey S, Ashlee W, Emily W, Stacia W
Consistory: Carrie B, Sandy C, Eric C, Sue F, Rick H, Mike J, Harold S., Liz S, and our ministry teams
Prayers for Our ICRC Search Team- Please be praying for Joey South, Dave South, Kelly Johnson, Karla Ter Haar, Jennifer Blanck, Marcia Jackson, and Pastor Matt Lee as they begin their search for a new Worship Director here at Immanuel.
To hear more prayer requests from ICRC, please call 321-2495, extension 191, or if you have a personal prayer request, please contact Marcia J. You may also submit a prayer request on our website at www.icrclansing.org.
Friends with Health Concerns
Shelby A, Mark and June B, John B, Joe C
Howard C, Sandy F, John F, Carol G,
Kathy G, Roland H, and other Parkinson’s sufferers,
Lon H, Marcia N, and Sandi S
for continued healing.
Save the Dates
October 18- Spiritual Growth Meeting, 6:30 pm.
October 19- Creative Worship Meeting, 4:00 pm.
October 20, CONNECT, 5:30 pm.
October 22-24- Youth Fall Retreat, Cran Hill Ranch
October 26- Deacon’s Meeting, 6:30 pm.
October 26- Men’s Study, 7:00 pm.
October 27- Trunk-or-Treat, 6:00 pm.