August 16, 2020

The Approach to God

Pre-Service Music                       

Songs                                               Love Lifted Me                                    - Rowe/Smith    

                                                     Old Church Choir        -Williams/Hulse/Wedgeworth


Prayer of Confession

Words of Assurance and Law of God


 The Word of God

Song                                                   One True God                                    -Harris/Clark

Scripture:                                               Exodus 32

Message:                               "Between:  Good Governance"

                                                      Pastor Tom Grabill

Prayer for Blessing                           


The Response to the Word

M.O.M Offering Received


*Song                                          How Great Thou Art                                             -Hine



 * Hymns projected by permission of CCLI #95502


 Sunday Worship: We Will Again Offer Both Online and Outdoor Worship this Sunday, at 10am.  To view the service on Facebook, please click on the following link provided.

 In Case of Rain: Outdoor services will be cancelled and shown live on Facebook starting at 10am. Consistory will make the decision by 8am so there is time to contact each of you before you leave for church. 

August Calling Team:  Please call Tod V or Brian W with any special concerns or requests.

August Mission of the Month: The Mission of the Month Collections for August will be split between Camp Geneva and Cran-Hill to help supplement some of their losses due to having to being closed during some of their busiest times this summer because of Covid-19. These camps provide children of all ages and adults opportunities to experience the presence of God, to demonstrate the love of Christ, and to be inspired to live a Spirit-filled life.  Let’s help keep them afloat so that they can continue this mission.

Search Team Update:  Last Sunday during the worship service, we announced that the Lead Pastor position was officially posted! We encourage you to visit the "new & improved" ICRC website under the "Lead Pastor Search" tab, to learn more (ICRC Church Profile Form, How to Apply Instructions & Congregational Pastoral Search Survey Summary). 

Thank you for your continued support and prayer for the search process and our future pastor. Specific prayer requests: 

  • The Holy Spirit will lead applicants to apply 

  • Our future pastor is prepared and being prepared

  • Our future pastor's life ministry aligns with and they yearn to lead ICRC to fulfill God's preferred future

  • Search Team remains healthy and productive

 You are Invited to Our Annual Rummage Sale:  Come support our youth groups and mission trips by shopping at our Annual Rummage Sale, this Saturday, August 22, between the hours of 10 a.m.-3 p.m.!  This sale will be held outside in the church parking lot, please see the attached flyer for details! Rain date, Saturday, August 29, 2020. 

ICRC Stories:  We encourage you to share your story of God’s love and faithfulness in your life. To do so, please contact Joey South for an interview, or if you would prefer to write it down instead, you can send it to the church office at to be shared on our “God’s Love in Action” page.  Remember, your story is God’s story, and we would love to hear you tell it!

All of the Locks Have Been Re-Keyed Here at ICRC:  If you are in a leadership position and have been assigned a key, please remember that as soon as your position is over, you must return your key to the office and sign it back in.  Please also note that we do have a loaner key available for special events.  If you will need to borrow the loaner key for any reason, please see Stacia in the office to sign for it. That will also need to be signed back in when returned.  If you have any questions, you may contact either Mark B, or Gary A.  

Thank You for Your Continued Tithes and Offerings:  The ongoing ministry of the church relies on the generous giving of its members. Even though we won’t be gathering at the church building you may submit your tithes and offerings online via our website at,, and then click on “Giving” at the top of the page, or you may mail them to our office at 3200 Delta River Dr., Lansing MI, 48906.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the church office at (517) 321-2495.

Your Leaders are so thankful for your fervent prayers,

Staff: Pastor Tom G, Joey S, Darla L, Stacia W

Consistory: Dave S, Marcia J, Rick H, Tod V, Brian W, Julie L, Carrie Band Jennifer B, and our ministry teams

             Friends with Health Concerns

Gary A, Mark and June B, John B, Joe C,

                              Howard J. C, Sandy F, John F, Carol G,

       Roland H and other Parkinson’s sufferers,

Jim P, Marian P, James S, Sandi S, and Joy V for continued healing.