The Approach to God
Pre-Service Music
*Songs Hosanna -Baloche
The God of Abraham Praise -No. 332
*Congregational Greeting
Prayer of Confession
Words of Assurance and Law of God
Kid’s Bells A Wonderful Grace of Jesus -No. 114
(Children age 3-2nd grade released to Children & Worship)
The Word of God
*Songs Let Them See You -Weeks
Scripture: James 2:14-26; John 13:1-17
Message “Doing Acts of Service”
Prayer for Blessing Pastor Tom
The Response to the Word
M.O.M. Offering Received
*Doxology Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow -No. 382
Offertory Prayers
*Song You Never Let Go -Redman
February Calling Team: Please call Marcia J or Jennifer B with any special concerns or requests.
February Mission of the Month: Lansing Christian Services.
The Flowers Today: Have been placed by Fred and Kandy H in celebration of Kristine H’s birthday.
Backpack Ministry: We will be filling backpacks for Cumberland today. If you are available to help with this ministry, please come downstairs to the food pantry immediately following the service.
New Members Class: Will be in the library following the morning service at 11:30 am. If you are new to Immanuel or if you have attended for a while but have not yet become a member, come and learn more about what excites us, how we operate, and how you fit into the big picture!
Sr. High Lock-In: There will be a lock-in here at church for the Senior High Youth Group on Friday, February 21- Saturday, February 22, from 8 pm-8 am. Each student should bring a 2 liter of pop, a snack to share, and a friend.
Dinner and a Movie Night: The Burcham Small group is hosting a dinner and a movie night this Saturday, February 22. We will be serving pizza, salad, and dessert for dinner in the FLC at 5:30 pm. We will then head up to the sanctuary afterwards to watch the movie “Breakthrough.” Childcare will be provided.
Family Game Night: Please join us for a Family Game night on Saturday, March 7, at 6:30 pm. This event is for ages 12 and up. If you would like to participate, please write your name on the sign-up sheet in the FLC, as well as what game you would like to bring with you, and what snack you would like to bring to share. Please note, you do not have to bring a game or a snack to participate, we really just want to see you here having fun!
Siloam Christian Church Please pray for their ministry to continue growing!
Our Leaders Covet Your Fervent Prayer
Pastor Tom Grabill, Immanuel leadership, and our ministry teams
Friends with Health Concerns
Gary A, Vicki B., Mark B, John B, Joe C,
Howard J. C, Sandy F, Carol G,
Ronda , Roland H and other Parkinson’s sufferers,
Julie L, Marian P, Sandi S,
and Joy V for continued healing.
Save the Dates
February 25- Painting with Sandi
February 25- Men’s Study
March 1- John Messer Preaching (First Sunday of Lent)
March 3- Consistory Meeting
March 7- Family Game Night
March 8- Communion Service (Second Sunday of Lent)
March 10- Painting with Sandi
March 10- Men’s Study
March 13-15- Sr. High Genesis
March 17- Spiritual Growth Meeting