December 13, 2020

Greetings from all of us at Immanuel”

Whether you are a regular attendee, or this is your first time with us, we wanted to make sure that you know how much we appreciate you joining us here for worship today at Immanuel Community Reformed Church. Our mission here at ICRC is “Going into the community, imitating Christ, by feeding body and soul”.  Our 4 core values are:  nurturing children and youth, doing acts of service, responding to real needs in the community, and welcoming the stranger. Our hope is that we have established an atmosphere where all feel welcome here and are able to engage all that God is, with all that we are!

 Pastor Tom will be leading our study today in Isaiah 9:1-7, asking us, “Have you ever traced your ancestry?” “Did you discover anything surprising?” Today we will look at where Jesus came from and how scripture affirms this truth from beginning to end.

The Approach to God

Pre-Service Music                               

*Songs                                      Angels from the Realms of Glory                                   -No. 190

Prayer of Confession                      

Words of Assurance and Law of God

Solo:  Maria Cook                                                                                                                    


The Word of God

*Songs                                      It Came Upon A Midnight Clear                                    -No. 197

                                                        O Come All Ye Faithful                                           -No. 193

Scripture:                                                 Isaiah 9:1-7

Message:                                    “Be Brilliant- A Royal Lineage”

                                                           Pastor Tom

Prayer for Blessing                            

 The Response to the Word

*Song                                             Go Tell it on the Mountain                                        -No. 205




 The ongoing ministry of the church relies on the generous giving of its members. At this time, we will not be passing the offering plates during the service.  Instead, you may place your offerings in the plates located on the stage at the front of the sanctuary immediately following the service.

 * Songs used by permission of CCLI #95502


 December Calling Team:  Please call Sue F or Julie L with any special concerns or requests.

December Mission of the Month: Eve’s House is a group home for adult women and children who have experienced domestic violence.  This organization provides legal services, shelter, food, and a safe place to live.

You May Contribute to Eve’s House by a Monetary Donation, or by Donating Any of These Much-Needed Items: women's underwear and bras (all sizes), kid’s underwear (all sizes), gas station gift cards, diapers (size 4 and up), baby wipes, Lysol/disinfecting wipes, bleach, box fans, twin blankets, twin sheets, or CATA bus passes and tokens. (Please note that all clothing items must be new.) There will be a box provided here at ICRC for these donations, or if you are unable to attend church but would still like to donate, please contact Carol C and she will be more than happy to pick up from your home address.

Our Congregational Meeting Will be Held 15 Minutes After the Service Today:  You may participate in person by staying in the sanctuary after the service, or you may join us via Zoom with the link that was provided to you in your weekly email.

ElmTree Ministries:  Praise God that the construction for Gabriel’s Refuge Community Center began on faith, Monday, December 7, 2020! This will be a safe place for children and adults of La Canada` to find refuge.  This will be a place where children can enjoy puzzles, books, bible stories, and crafts.  It will also house trade school classes for adults, bible studies, and so much more, but 80 percent of the funds are still needed. Please pray that these funds are received in Jesus name, and if you would like to contribute to this mission that is so close to our heart, please contact Sara at to find out how. There is a donor that is matching up to $20,000!

Staff Christmas Gift:  Today is the deadline for the Staff Christmas Gift Contributions:  Please enclose your gift in an envelope and/or memo your check labeled STAFF GIFT. (Be sure to include your envelope number for contribution credit.)  Just drop the gift envelope in the collection plate or hand it to a deacon.  The deacons will divide the funds among the staff for their annual holiday gifts from the ICRC congregation.  If you have any questions, please contact one of the deacons. 

Mission of the Month Club: We are looking to put together a group of people who are interested in finding out the needs of the missions that we support each month. By doing this, our members here at ICRC can be involved in donating more than just money, as described above re: EVE's House. Anyone interested, please contact Carol C.

Siloam Christian Church: Please be praying for their ministry to continue growing!

Your Leaders are so thankful for your fervent prayers:

 Staff: Pastor Tom G, Joey S, Darla L, Stacia W

Consistory: Carrie B, Sandy C, Eric C, Sue F, Rick H, Marcia J, Mike J, Julie L, and our ministry teams

  Friends with Health Concerns

 Mark and June B, John B, Joe C,

                              Howard J. C, Sandy F, John F, Carol G,

       Roland H and other Parkinson’s sufferers,

Jim P, Marian P, James S, Sandi S, and Joy V for continued health concerns.

Pray for Our Missionaries

 Pray for those supported by ICRC, as well as those in our church family that are out there in the mission field Please pray for their strength, protection, and perseverance. Please also pray for open doors, open hearts, and for God’s word to spread rapidly and freely throughout the nations! 

To hear more prayer request from ICRC, please call 321-2495, extension 191, or if you have a personal prayer request, please contact Marcia J. You may also call the church office at 321-2495, extension 200, or you may submit a prayer request on our website at

Save the Dates

December 23- No Jr. or Sr, High, Christmas Break

                       December 24- Christmas Eve Services, 5p.m. & 7p.m.