September 8, 2019

The Approach to God

 Pre-Service Music               

*Songs                                            Holy, Holy, Holy                                   -Heber/Dykes           

*Congregational Greeting

Prayer of Confession

Words of Assurance and Law of God

*Song                                                You are good                                            -Houghton


(Children age 3-2nd grade released to Children & Worship)


The Word of God

 *Songs                                    Nothin' but the Blood of Jesus                                 -Lowry

 Scripture:                                        Ephesians 4:11-32       

Message                                      “How God Changes Us”

                                                             Pastor Rich

Prayer for Blessing                                     

The Response to the Word

Communion Hymn           Nothin’ but the Blood of Jesus, vs 1                              -Lowry

Celebrate the Lord’s Supper

Responsive Communion Thanksgiving


*Doxology                      Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow                  -No. 382 Offertory Prayers

*Song                                           Open up the Heavens                                      -Andrews




 September Calling Team:  Please call David S or Carrie B with any special concerns or requests.

 Flowers Today Are Give By:  The H family in honor of Fred’s H’s birthday.

 Painting Classes with Sandi S Resumes: This Tuesday, September 10, 2019. They will be on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. Classes are $12.00 per session.

 God is Good All the Time! He has blessed us again this year so that we are able to help His children at Cumberland School.   Next Sunday, September 15, please come down stairs right after the service and help us pack bags.  Our first back pack delivery will be on Wednesday, September 18 and we will leave to go to the school at 5:30. 

 Sr. High Youth Group Resumes:  Sunday, September 15, 2019, from 5:30-7:30 p.m.

There will be a meeting here at ICRC to plan a retirement dinner for Pastor Rich on Thursday, Sept. 19, at 7 pm., all are welcome.

Thank you for all of your beautiful cards, touching words of sympathy and prayers for peace and comfort in the recent loss of our Sister-in-law/Aunt and Son-in-law/Brother-in-law.  Your kindnesses and evidence of Christian love as a church family have been very meaningful to us. ~ The V and T Families.

 Thank you to all who came out to our Life is Good Party on Friday, August 23rd.  Your presence was a gift and we are so grateful that you were there to celebrate with us! ~ Carroll and Sandi S

 Free Books in the Library:  There is a “Free Books” table behind the couch in the ICRC library.  There are new books added to this table weekly, so please check them out!  You can take some for yourself, or to share with family, friends, and neighbors!

Your Leaders covet your fervent Prayer:

Pastor Rich, Immanuel leadership, and our ministry teams

              Friends with Health Concerns

 Gary A, Mark B, Joe C,

    Howard J. C, Sandy F, Carol G,

    Ronda , Roland H and other Parkinson’s sufferers,

Eleanor N, Marian P,

          Sandi S, and Joy V for continued healing.

Save these Dates

September 18- CONNECT/ Jr. High Youth Group/ Adult Study Resumes

                                       September 18- Backpack Deliveries

                                       September 20, 21- Consistory Retreat

                                      September 24- Painting Classes

                                            September 24- Men’s Study

                       September 25- CONNECT/ Jr. High Youth/ Adult Studies