April 28, 2019

The Approach to God

 Pre-Service Music              Crown Him with Many Crowns                                     -Payne

 *Songs                                             You are Good                                                    -Egan      *Congregational Greeting

Prayer of Confession

Words of Assurance and Law of God

 The Word of God

*Songs                                   Open the Eyes of My Heart                                   -Baloche      

                                                     Jesus Paid it All                                              -Standfill

Scripture:                                   Hebrews 12:18-29

Message:                           “Understanding Who God Is”

                                                          Pastor Rich

Prayer for Blessing                                        


    The Response to the Word

Moment for Ministry

Offering                                   The God of Abraham Praise                         -Collinsworth

*Doxology                      Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow                  -No. 382

Offertory Prayers

*Song                                           I Wanna be Washed                                       -Houghton


 Postlude                                       Thine Be the Glory                                             -Payne


 Pray for Our Pastor:  Please join us in room seven 10 minutes before each service to pray for our pastor and for his message to touch the hearts of those listening.

 Flowers are Provided by: The E. family in celebration of Amelia’s birthday.

April Mission of the Month: Words of Hope.  Today is the last day to contribute to this important mission.

April Calling Team:  Please call Tod V and Brian W with any special concerns or requests.

The Burcham small group will be surrounding a struggling young mother from Flint with love and support today.  There will be a brunch in our room after service so that we can chat with her and shower her with diapers, wipes, and other baby necessities.  You are invited to come and join us in the Burcham Small Group Room to show her Christian love. 

Heart Healthy Meals for Gary A- If you would like to provide a meal for Gary, please see the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the FLC.

CONNECT Wednesday: The kids will be painting flower pots in preparation for planting the following week for Mother’s Day.

Children and Worship Helpers Needed- We are looking for adults, or older high school students to help out with the Children and Worship program on Sundays during service.  It would only be a few times a year and you would be trained for the job. If this is something that you are interested in doing, please write your name on the sign-up sheet in the FLC, or let Jennifer B know.  

Youth Group Rummage Sale Fundraiser:  Saturday May 4 from 8-2 p.m.  Items to donate can be dropped off in the FLC on Friday, May 3, any time after 2 p.m.


Your Leaders covet your fervent Prayer:

Pastor Rich, Immanuel leadership, and our ministry team

Friends with Health Concerns

  Gary A, Mark B, Joe C,

          Howard J. C, Sandy F, Carol G,

     Ronda H, Roland H and other Parkinson’s sufferers,

Kathe L, Eleanor N, Marian P,

        Sandi S, and Joy V for continued healing.

Save these Dates:

                                               Consistory Meeting- May 7

                                Communion Service/ Mother’s Day- May 12

                                                 Painting with Sandi- May 14

                                                      Men’s Study- May 14

                                         Congregational Meeting/ Potluck- May 19

                                  May 22- Last CONNECT before Summer Break

                                             Summer Mission Trip- July 18-21

                                            Summer Mission Trip- August 8-11