February 17, 2019

The Approach to God

 Pre-Service Music                

*Songs                                           Holy, Holy, Holy                                             -Perronet

*Congregational Greeting

Responsive Prayer of Confession

Words of Assurance and Law of God 

 (Children age 3-2nd grade released to Children & Worship)

 The Word of God


*Song                                              Better is One Day                                   -Redman

                                                  Live with Abandon                                -Newsboys


Scripture:                                           Exodus 20:8-9

Message:                                 “A Word to the Workaholic”                                       

                                                        Pastor Rich

Prayer for Blessing                                        


                                             The Response to the Word


Mission of the Month Offering Received                    

*Doxology                      Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow                  -No. 382                                     

Offertory Prayer

*Song                                             Because of Your Love                              -Baloch




 Pray for Our Pastor:  Please join us in Room 7 ten minutes before each service to pray for Pastor Rich and for his message to touch the hearts of those listening.

 February Calling Team:  Please call Marcia J and Jennifer B with any special concerns or requests.

Flowers Are Provided By:  Dean and Marcia J who would like to wish everybody a Happy Valentine’s Day!

February Mission of the Month: Lansing Christian Services: Please consider giving to this worthy cause today.

It is our pleasure to announce that Joey S has been hired as Youth Group Coordinator. Joey brings recent experience providing direction and support for the youth in Immanuel as well as outreach experience from the Firehouse. Through Gods guidance and support from Immanuel, we look forward to Joey’s participation with Immanuel’s Youth and Leadership.

Please keep Joe C in your prayers as he is recovering from back surgery.

Don and Pat W would like to thank everyone for being so kind and thoughtful after Pat’s knee surgery.  “Thank you for the wonderful meals that were sent, and for and of all the cards while I was laid up.”” It meant so much to us for the caring church family that we have.” ~ Pat W

Thank You to Kathy G for bringing Valentine cookies to share last Sunday! If anybody else would like to share a special treat one Sunday, please let Ann Harvey know and it can be arranged. We are so grateful to all who contribute.

CONNECT this Week: The kids will be practicing Marshall Arts and learning about the story of David and Goliath.

Potluck/ Movie Night this Saturday February 23 – Potluck at 5 p.m., Movie starts around 6 p.m. Please enjoy the trailer for “God Bless the Broken Road” during the offering today, this is the movie that we will be showing.

Your Leaders covet your fervent Prayer:

Pastor Rich, Immanuel leadership, and our ministry teams

              Friends with Health Concerns:

  Mark B, Howard J. C , Carol G,

                    Ronda H, Eleanor N, Sandi S

                                   Roland H and other Parkinson’s sufferers,

                               Joy V, Marian P, Sandy F,

               Pat W, and Joe C, for continued healing.

                    Save these Dates:

                                              Filling Backpacks after Service- February 17

Back Pack Deliveries- February 20

Movie Night- February 23

                                                Painting with Sandi- February 26

                                                      Men’s Study- February 26

                                   John Messer Preaching/ Communion- March 10

Consistory Meeting- March 14

                                            All Church Bowling Party- March 23

                                     Shine FM Visits/ Church of the Week- March 24

                                         Congregational Meeting/ Potluck- May 19