The Approach to God
Pre-Service Music
Invitation to Worship
*Song Because of Your Love -Baloche
*Congregational Greeting
Prayer of Confession
Lord’s Prayer
Words of Assurance and Law of God
(Children age 3-2nd grade released to Children & Worship)
The Word of God
*Songs Just As I Am/I Come Broken -Elliott/Cottrell
One True God -Harris/Clark
Scripture Isaiah 1:11-18
Message “When Words Become Worthless”
Andrea DW
Prayer for Blessing
The Response to the Word
Moment For Ministry
*Doxology Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow No. 382
Offertory Prayer
*Song Sing to the King -Foote
Please Join us in Fervent Prayer for:
Pastor Rich, Anthony, and Immanuel leadership and ministry teams
Members traveling this Summer
Friends with Health Concerns:
Mark B., Howard J. C. , Sandy F., Carol G.,
Rhonda H., Eleanor N., Sandi S.
Roland H. and other Parkinson’s sufferers
Michael S. (A. Williams’ Uncle) –Cancer/Salvation!
Marcia K. – recovery from surgery
Vicki B. – heart valve surgery later this summer
Members’ Summer Travels – Let’s pray all back safely!
*Prayer Line 517-321-2495, ext. 191*
Save the Date
SUMMER CONNECT, 6:30 p.m. – July 25 (SPLASH!)
Alger, MI Mission Trip – July 26-29
All Church Campout in the U.P. – August 4-11
SUMMER CONNECT, 6:30 p.m - August 22
Church Picnic – August 26
Prayer Reprise – September Sundays
July Calling Team: Fred H. and Bruce T.H. You may call either leader for special needs or concerns.
Mowing Team for 7/22-7/28: The H. Family
July Mission of the Month… this month’s offering is for Love Clothing Center. As of last Sunday, we collected 220 pieces of clothing! Thank you for the new socks, underwear and school age clothes. A collection basket is at the top of the stairs by the bulletin board. They really need help in distributing these clothes, also!! For any questions about donating or helping at the Center, contact Carrie B. or Linda B.
Basketball Camp! Approximately 70 kids participated through the week. Many of these kids would never have the chance to attend a camp of any kind, and to have the bonus of a really good meal each night is such a blessing. Thank you to those who worked in setting up last Sunday, worked throughout the week and in the kitchen to prepare the meal. Praise God for the seeds planted in these young hearts!
Summer CONNECT: Our next CONNECT night will be this Wed! Our theme is “SPLASH’, so come dressed for water fun. If you would like to help in the fun, please see Linda B., Carrie B., Katie S. or Julie L. Invite friends of all ages!
Prayers for Missions: Please pray for the Alger, MI people as they head out this week, along with Rick H.’s work done in Uganda…and check out the pictures of the TX mission trip. There are some on the bulletin board at the top of the stairs and on the back hallway bulletin board as you leave coffee fellowship this morning.
NEWSLETTER Yes, it is time to be thinking about this: due to some timely needs, the newsletter will be in your boxes on August 26, so we need any updates, committees/choir notices, event dates/details, Sunday School/Bible Class and CONNECT schedules, opportunities for service, etc., by Tuesday, Aug. 21. Please be thinking ahead! Thanks.
Siloam Christian Church Please pray for their dynamic work in Lansing and that some will see their name and attend!