November 11, 2018

The Approach to God

Pre-Service Music        Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing                    -Burkhardt

Invitation to Worship

*Songs                                       Holy Holy Holy                              -Heber/Sykes


*Congregational Greeting

Prayer of Confession

Words of Assurance and Law of God 


(Children age 3-2nd grade released to Children & Worship)


                                                The Word of God

*Song                                        Indescribable                                              -Story

                                                   Crown Him                               -Bridges/Throng


Message                            “Magnified by the Almighty”

                                                      Pastor Rich

Prayer for Blessing


The Response to the Word

Communion Hymn  Let Us Break Bread Together, vs 1

Celebrate the Lord’s Supper     

Responsive Communion Thanksgiving

Offering                             Now Thank We All Our God   (Duet)                -McKechnie


 *Doxology                  Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow        No. 382

*Song                                      Blessed be the Name                       -Clark/Hudson



 Postlude                            I Sing the Mighty Power of God                 -Westenkuehler



 November Calling Team:  Please call Bruce and Julie with any special concerns or requests.

 Flowers are provided by: The L family in honor of David’s birthday!

 November Mission of the Month: Elm Tree Ministries. Sara E has been living and serving in Honduras now for 4 1/2 years. She has been teaching Sunday school for 3 years and is running a trade school for women who are able to craft items to sell so that they can generate income to help support their families. She also teaches English classes 3 days a week for 2 hours a day. The Missions house there is a place for cooking and baking as well as a place that the children can go to for help with their homework and tutoring. The roof and the electrical has already been done for this house, but they are looking forward to building a stronger security wall around it. Please help Sara and her ministry to help make this happen!

 We will be filling bags for Cumberland Elementary School directly after service today. Please come downstairs if you would like to help. Thank you!

 CONNECT: This week, the children will be working with Bruce and Karla T to make Advent/Christmas ornaments! These will be used for Family Decorating night here at the church on November 25!

 Senior High Youth Group 5th Annual Spaghetti Dinner and Dessert Auction:  Coming up this Saturday November 17 at 5 p.m.! Please sign up in the Family Life Center to reserve your seats and/ or to bring a dessert. ($10 per person or $50 for a table of 6)

 Santa Suit Anybody? We are looking for an adult size santa suit for a skit on December 2nd. If anybody has one that we can borrow for a short time, please let us know! Thank you!

Siloam Christian Church Please pray for their ministry to continue growing!

                  Friends with Health Concerns:


                           Mark Black, Howard J. Church , Carol Geer,

                   Rhonda Holleman, Eleanor Nederveld, Sandi Shults

                                  Roland Hubbert and other Parkinson’s sufferers,

  Michael Stokes (A. Williams’ Uncle) –Cancer/Salvation,

                                   Vicki Bennett


Save these Dates:


                                            All Church Thanksgiving- November 22

                                            Family Decorating Night- November 25

                                                Painting with Sandi- November 27

                                                     Men’s Study- November 27

                                             Church Unique Meeting- December 1